Saturday 20 August 2016

August 21 Spumoni Day

August 21 Spumoni Day

August 21 Spumoni Day
Spumoni Day is observed annually on August 21.
Spumoni is a molded Italian ice cream that is made with layers of different colors and flavors that usually contain candied fruits, such as cherry bit, and nuts. The typical flavors are cherry, pistachio and either chocolate or vanilla. These ice cream layers are often mixed with whipped cream.

Spumoni originated in Naples, Italy and was introduced to the United States in the late 1800′s.
Differing from ice cream, Spumoni is sliced and never scooped.
Neapolitan flavored ice cream was inspired by Spumoni.
If you have never tried the delicious Italian ice cream, Spumoni, this is the day to do so.
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August 21 Spumoni Day

Friday 19 August 2016

August 20 Radio Day

August 20 Radio Day

Each year on August 20 Radio Day people recognizes the great invention the “Radio”.
Radio waves were originally discovered by one Heinrich Hertz, following on the heels of his discovery of electromagnetic radiation. While experiments were performed in using this energy to transmit information, it wasn’t until 1890 that the word radio was first applied, when the radio-conducteur was invented by French Physicist Édouard Branly. Previous to this all forms of communication using this discovery was known as wireless communication, but eventually radio spread across the world

According to the CIA World Factbook,  there are about 44,000 radio stations worldwide. This number is mostly comprised of AM and FM.
Today you can listen to your favorite radio station tell them your songs list they play on this day.
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August 20 Radio Day

August 20 Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

August 20 Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

Chocolate Pecan Pie Day is annually celebrate on August 20.
This sweet delight has the best of both worlds—a smooth filling and a crunchy top. Traditional recipes for pecan pie call for ingredients like roasted pecans, butter, eggs, and brown sugar, but there are many different variations. Some people even choose to add special ingredients like chocolate

The word pecan comes from the Native American Algonquin language. As the only nuts native to North America, pecans have been eaten for generations in both the USA and Mexico, but they’ve only been grown commercially since the late 19th century. One of the most popular ways to enjoy these buttery, crunchy nuts is to bake them in a pie, and adding chocolate makes it even more delicious.
Here is few Chocolate Pecan Pie recipe for you to try, enjoy and share and bake a pie for family and friends.
Chocolate Pecan Pie
Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars
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August 20 Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

Thursday 18 August 2016

August 19 Aviation Day

August 19 Aviation Day

Aviation Day is observed each year on August 19th. Established in 1939 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the anniversary of Orville Wright’s birthday to be Aviation Day. Born August 19, 1871, Orville Wright was still alive when the proclamation was issued and went on to live for nine more years until his death in 1948. This day is dedicated to those who helped pioneer aviation in the United States.

Two American inventors and aviation pioneers, the Wright brothers are credited with inventing and building the world’s first successful airplane and making the first controlled powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight on December 17, 1903.
On this Aviation day Gov. Invite people living in the United States to observe the day with appropriate exercises to further stimulate interest in aviation in the United States.
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August 19 Aviation Day

August 19 Soft Ice Cream Day

August 19 Soft Ice Cream Day

Soft Ice Cream Day is observed annually on August 19. Soft serve ice cream has been around since the 1930′s. Now days you can get most ice cream shops serve a variety of fun flavors.

Soft serve became popular in 1960s, when mechanized air pumps were introduced into vending machines, allowing to double the amount of air in ice cream. The more air soft serve contains, the smoother, creamier, and lighter its texture is.
A summer day is the perfect time to enjoy this delicious snack. Grab a big cone full of soft ice cream today to celebrate Soft Ice Cream Day.
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August 19 Soft Ice Cream Day

Wednesday 17 August 2016

August 18 Ice Cream Pie Day

August 18 Ice Cream Pie Day

Ice Cream Pie Day is observed annually on August 18th. A slice of delicious ice cream pie is a perfect dessert to cool off on a hot summer day. This food holiday honors this refreshing frozen desert that comes in many delicious flavors.
Ice cream pies are made by placing softened ice cream inside a baked pie shell or graham crust. Just as regular ice cream, ice cream pies come in varying flavors.

Go out to your favorite ice cream parlor or restaurant and indulge yourself with this delightful treat. You can also make an ice cream pie at home and share the dessert with your friends and relatives.
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August 18 Ice Cream Pie Day

August 18 Mail Order Catalog Day

August 18 Mail Order Catalog Day

August 18 Mail Order Catalog Day is observed each year. Today marks the anniversary of when, in August of 1872, Aaron Montgomery Ward, of Chicago, produced the very first Montgomery Ward’s mail order catalog.
The very first catalog consisted of an 8 by 12 inch single sheet of paper which included the merchandise for sale, the price list and ordering instructions. Montgomery Ward’s single page list of products grew into a 540 page illustrated book selling over 20,000 items.

It was soon after that the Montgomery Ward’s catalog was copied by other enterprising merchants, most notably Richard Warren Sears. The first general Sears catalog was mailed in 1896 many others entered the field and catalog sales grew. By 1971, catalog sales of major United States firms exceeded more than $250 million in postal revenue.
Today, mail order catalogs have been replaced with websites on the internet and the term “mail order” has been replaced with the term “online shopping”.
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August 18 Mail Order Catalog Day

Tuesday 16 August 2016

August 17 I LOVE My Feet Day

August 17 I LOVE My Feet Day

On August 17 I LOVE My Feet Day is observed annually. To appreciate how valuable our feet are, to practice good foot care and pamper our feet. Feet are one of the most neglected body parts, despite how important they are. Your feet are your primary mode of transportation, so take care of them. Taking care of our feet is important for preventing long-term problems. Years of wear and tear can be hard on them, as can disease, bad circulation, improperly trimmed toenails and poorly fitting shoes.
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August 17 I LOVE My Feet Day

August17 Thrift Shop Day

August17 Thrift Shop Day

August17 Thrift Shop Day is observed each year. It is a perfect holiday for those of you who like a good bargain and are a fan of old, vintage items. A thrift store is a store that sells old, used and vintage items for discounted prices. A thrift store is also sometimes called a second hand shop, consignment shop or a resale shop.

Thrift shops have existed in the world for a long period of time. People looking to assist others in their lives by offering cheaper prices on used wares. Clothing was originally the start of thrift shops, however it added furniture, housewares and even toys over time. Any method of making some money on the item, while still helping out those with less money so they can have those items in their lives. These stores have been a haven for those in need, and even more so for individuals just starting to get on their feet. Furniture that isn’t roadside collection, clothing on the cheap, and even some utensils like forks, maybe even a microwave or television can be had at a thrift store for cheap prices.
On this visit some nearest Thrift shop or visit and search online.
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August17 Thrift Shop Day

Monday 15 August 2016

August 16 Tell a Joke Day

August 16 Tell a Joke Day

August 16 Tell a Joke Day is observed annually. This day will be filled with smiles and much laughter from morning till night as everyone shares their favorite jokes. Tell a Joke Day has been celebrated worldwide since jokes began. You know, all the way back in 1900 B.C.
Jokes have been a part of human culture since at least 1900 BC. According to research conducted by Dr Paul McDonald of the University of Wolver Hampton, a fart joke from ancient Sumer is currently believed to be the world's oldest known joke. Britain's oldest joke, meanwhile, is a 1,000-year-old double-entendre that can be found in the Codex Exoniensis.

Jokes can be of many different forms: Single word or gesture, One-liner, Question – answer, Whole short story.
A joke has synonyms which include: Gag, Prank, Quip, Jab, and Jest.
On this day get some of the best joke book and spend your lunch hour reading it.
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August 16 Tell a Joke Day

August 16 Roller Coaster Day

August 16 Roller Coaster Day

August 16 Roller Coaster Day is observed each year. A roller coaster consists of one or multiple cars on a track, similar to a specialized railroad system that rises in designed patterns sometimes with one or more vertical loops.

The oldest roller coaster are believed to have originated from the so-called “Russian Mountains”. Built in the 17th century. In 1885, a patent was awarded to LaMarcus Adna Thompson regarding roller coasters which were made out of wood, however there were “Russian Mountains” roller coaster considerably earlier. 
August 16 Roller Coaster Day
Top Scariest Roller Coasters in the World. 
The Most Terrifying Rides In The World

Sunday 14 August 2016

August 15 Relaxation Day

August 15 Relaxation Day

August 15 Relaxation Day is observed annually. Take a day off from your daily routine, put your feet up and relax because it is Relaxation Day.
Relaxation Day is an important day as we all need a break from the fast-paced and often hectic lifestyles we live. Taking time to recuperate and rejuvenate our tired minds and bodies may help prevent many health risks. Like the founder of this day suggested, too much work can make us sick, run down, tired and that’s just wrong.

In this day the hustle bustle of their daily lives, most people often forget to slow down and take some time for themselves. This can create stress and other stress-related health issues like high blood pressure and heart problems.
Top Ten ideas to enjoy on Relaxation Day:
1. Do nothing today
2. Go to a Spa
3. Go fishing
4. Play a round of golf (caution: not always relaxing)
5. Lounge around in a hammock
6. Take a bubble bath
7. Spend the day at the beach
8. Go to the movies
9. Do a little gardening (no heavy duty work, though)
10. Have a picnic in the park
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August 15 Relaxation Day

August 15 Lemon Meringue Pie Day

August 15 Lemon Meringue Pie Day

August 15 Lemon Meringue Pie Day is observed annually. Lemon meringue pie is one of the most famous lemon desserts, and it’s really no wonder, considering its crispy golden crust, tangy custard center and fluffy meringue topping.

It is sure that the pie originated in Victorian England, where it was sometimes known as Lemon Chester Pudding.
Lemon flavored custards, puddings and pies have been enjoyed since medieval times, but the art of the actual meringue was perfected in the 17th century, and lemon meringue pie is a 19th-century product.
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August 15 Lemon Meringue Pie Day