Showing posts with label February 15 Singles Awareness Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February 15 Singles Awareness Day. Show all posts

Sunday 14 February 2016

February 15 Singles Awareness Day

February 15 Singles Awareness Day

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February 15th proclaims as a Singles Awareness Day, God sand us here single, why? B’coz In this world there is nothing wrong with being single. The day after Valentine’s Day has been designated Singles Awareness Day.

Everything is dark and bright side, so here acclaim bright side of being Singles. There are few benefits being single. Single can live as they like. No rules, No bothering. Sefl-reliant, who didn’t like this?

if you find or know that your partner or lover in not your kind of person or you make wrong choices, sometime it happen. That time its pressure on you that be more carrying and love giving. And on valentines day view other couples, its simple and cruel reminder that you are alone.

Just be what you are and enjoy your aloneness, do all that thing which other are doing in their life. All that things. Win your mind you win everything. “ Man ke hare har he Manke jite jit.” In english “loss and win is belongs to your mind.”

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