Sunday 10 April 2016

April 11 Cheese Fondue Day

April 11 Cheese Fondue Day

Every year we observed on April 11 is Cheese Fondue Day. A traditional fondue pot is called a “caquelon.” Cheese fondue originated in Switzerland at the beginning of the 19th century. Based on the simple ingredients (melted cheese and whatever leftovers you want to use for dipping) historians believe that fondue began as a peasant meal. You can also add ingredients such as milk, spices, cream, wine, or brandy for additional flavor and to thicken the mixture.

The first known recipe with cheese and wine was published under the name “Cheese Fondue” in 1875.
No More to say just cook it eat it with your family and friends.

April 11 Cheese Fondue Day

Recipe Cheese Fondue

April 11 Pet Day

April 11 Pet Day

Today is April 11 Pet Day; to show your pet how much we love them. There are approximately 86.4 million pet cats and 78.2 million pet dogs living in the United States. Celebrity pet lifestyle expert and animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige founded National Pet Day to raise awareness about the importance of pet adoption.

The motto of the holiday is “Don’t shop! Adopt!” and it is sponsored by the Animal Miracle Foundation, whose mission is to help animals in shelters find forever homes. Just appreciating and celebrating the wonderful pets in your life. There are so many neglected and unwanted animals waiting for some love and attention. You can donate your time, or you can donate food or other supplies. Not as a pet owner; consider making a donation or volunteering at your local pet shelter, visit and give some of your precious time to those sheltered animal. 

April 11 Pet Day

Saturday 9 April 2016

April 10 Siblings Day

April 10 Siblings Day

Siblings Day takes place on April 10, 2016. Siblings Day was created by Claudia Evart, a freelance paralegal from Manhattan, NY. It is a day of celebration and recognition for brothers and sisters around the world. Siblings Day can be celebrated by sending a card or gift or making a dinner invitation to your siblings.

A male sibling is called a brother, and a female sibling is called a sister. In most societies throughout the world, siblings usually grow up together, facilitating the development of strong emotional bonds such as love, hostility or thoughtfulness. Siblings Day can be celebrated by sending a card, gift, making a dinner invitation or simply going for a walk in the park.
Visit the website for more National Siblings Day information at

April 10 Farm Animals Day

April 10 Farm Animals Day

Farm Animals Day observed annually on April 10th; unofficial national holiday, was created in 2005 by Animal Rescuer, Vegetarian and Celebrity Pet Lifestyle Expert, Colleen Paige. It was created as a day to raise awareness about the troubles of slaughtered animals and to find a home for the abandoned and abused farm animals. On this Day take your child for a visit to a farm is a great way to teach them about farm animals and give them message of treating animals with respect.

Farm animals are cute, and they also play an important role in modern society. Take some time to appreciate them this World Farm Animals Day. For More Information visit

Friday 8 April 2016

April 9 Cherish an Antique Day

April 9 Cherish an Antique Day

Today April 9 is Cherish an Antique Day; which to appreciate unique objects that date back to a time when quality and craftsmanship were most valued by a discerning clients. In 1979, the first episode of Antiques Roadshow aired in the United Kingdom.
Learn the story behind your favorite antique and share the tale with family and friends and Antique Day can be celebrated by a visit to an art museum.

April 9 Name Yourself Day

April 9 Name Yourself Day
Name Yourself Day is observed each year on April 9. Name Yourself Day is your chance to try on a new name for one day. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to have a different name, this would be the day to find out.

Among the Catholic Church, there is a special ceremony that is performed in giving a new member of the church a name. Those who are to go through this ceremony must have at least one parent who is Catholic, as it is expected that such a child will be raised in the Catholic faith. The ceremony involves a baptism of the child to wash away original sin, and to become born again in a new life with Christ.

In the Hindu faith, naming a child is a holy act, involving the immediate families and close friends. The name of this ceremony is Namkaran, and is an elaborate ceremony performed on the 11th day of the child’s life. During the first 10 days of the child’s life, both mother and newborn are considered to be unclean, and therefor are traditionally separated from the family, attended only by a helper. On the 10th night, the house is cleansed and blessed for the coming ceremony. During this ceremony the mother is dressed in new clothes and wets the head of the baby with a bit of water in a sign of purifying the child. Interestingly, it is the Paternal Aunt who names the child, whispering it first to the child, and then announcing it to the gathered people.

Thursday 7 April 2016

April 8 Empanada Day

April 8 Empanada Day

April 8 recognizes as Empanada Day a food holiday. Portuguese and Spanish verb “em pandar”, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. In the Southern and Southwestern US, empanadas are called Creoles. In Jamaica, empanadas are referred to as "Jamaican patties" and are made with crispy pastry dough. Empanadas are also referred to as a “fried pie”.

The name empanada comes from the Galician. Empanadas are a stuffed bread or pastry that is baked or fried. Empanadas are made by folding the dough or bread around a seasoned stuffing like chicken, cod, or pork loin. Other ingredients include tomatoes, garlic, and onion sauce.

Though this tasty dish originated in Europe, immigrants brought the method to different countries around the world where it was adopted and a little altered to fit the tastes of that particular country.

Enjoy these delicious and yummy Empanada recipes.

April 8 Zoo Lovers Day

April 8 Zoo Lovers Day
On April 8, Zoo Lovers Day is observed. Zoo is actually short for Zoological Garden. The oldest modern styled zoo was established in 1752 at the order of “Emperor Francis I”. The oldest collection of this type was found during an archeological dig in “Hierakonpolis” Egypt in 2009.

This would be a perfect day to visit a Zoo, Zoo Lovers Day is a great excuse to get your family together and go for a trip to see the exotic animals of the world. Enjoy seeing your favorite animals swinging from the trees or splashing in the water and have a fun-filled day.
A few zoo facts:
The world’s largest zoos is in Berlin Zoological Garden: 84 Acres, 1,500 Species of Animals
The Vienna Zoo is the oldest existing zoo and was opened to the public in 1765.
The United State’s first public zoo, Central Park Zoo, opened in 1874 in New York.
There are over 10,000 zoos worldwide. There are 350 zoos in the United States
Approximately 175 million people visit a zoo each year.
Disney’s Animal Kingdom has had more than 9.8 million annual visitors.
More than 3.2 million people visit the San Diego Zoo each year.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

April 7 Beer Day

April 7 Beer Day

April 7th its Beer Day, Founded in 2007. As per document the first beer created in Mesopotamia and recorded in the written history of ancient Iraq and ancient Egypt. Beer is the third most popular beverage in the world, behind water and tea. Nowadays, there are many varieties of beer exist across the globe. In 2009, Smith and Connolly created a Beer Day on FB page. From this page, they invited friends to join and word has spread too many sources that April 7 is Beer Day.

On April 7, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt took the first step toward ending Prohibition and signed a law that allowed people to brew and sell beer, in the United States, as long as it remained below 4.0% alcohol by volume (ABV).

This day was created as National Beer Day by Justin Smith, a Richmond, Virginia Craft Beer Examiner, and his friend Mike Connolly from Liverpool, England. April 7th was chosen because the Cullen-Harrison Act was signed into law and became effective on this day.

On this day all bear lovers come to gather and celebrate in Bars, restaurants and pubs.

April 7 Coffee Cake Day

April 7 Coffee Cake Day

April 7 is Coffee Cake Day. Although the coffee cake itself does not contain any coffee. The first coffee cakes appeared around the 17th century in Europe. Coffee cake is a cake that is wished-for to be eaten while enjoying a cup of coffee, maybe for breakfast or during a coffee break.

Here recipes of coffee cakes select and make it enjoy it.
Celebrate Coffee Cake Day with your family or friends and serve this cake, enjoy... 

April 7 No Housework Day

April 7 No Housework Day

No Housework Day is observed once a year on April 7th. No Housework Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy at This day is celebrated for those who usually work at home, today to give them a break.

Average married American woman does 17 hours of housework per week. Doctors and health experts say that it is essential for people with busy lifestyles to factor in time to relax. Relaxation can lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce headaches, and improve concentration.
Celebrate this day at on your style. Go to your favorite place. Go to meet some old friends. Go on one day expedition. Visit to god means go to church, temple, mosque, or where you feel harmony and peacefulness.
Make one post on social media #NoHouseworkDay.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

April 6 Sorry Charlie Day

April 6  Sorry Charlie Day

Sorry Charlie Day is observed each year on April 6. Have you ever been rejected, for anything, Sure you have. We all have. Sorry Charlie Day is for all of us who have been discarded, and yet somehow survived it.Celebrate this day by taking a minute to remember a past rejection. After doing this, be happy und realize the fact that this happens to all of us. Some level of rejection is an inevitable part of life.

Nevertheless, rejection can become a problem when it is prolonged or consistent, when the relationship is important, or when the individual is highly sensitive to rejection. The experience of rejection can lead to a number of adverse psychological consequences such as loneliness, low self-esteem, aggression, and depression. 

April 6  Sorry Charlie Day

April 6 Student-Athlete Day

April 6 Student-Athlete Day

April 6, 2013 marks the 26th celebration of National STUDENT-Athlete Day, Created by theNational STUDENT-Athlete Day (NCAS) in 1987. The program seeks to encourage families, schools and communities to support their STUDENT-athletes in their endeavors.
Events celebrating the day can take place throughout the entire month or in conjunction with an event that is already in place. It has become one of America’s strongest endeavors promoting the positive virtues of sport and student-athletes as a whole, and the positive affect they both have on society.

+More than 4.1 million student-athletes honored
+In 2015, over 229,000 student-athletes honored
+All student-athletes honored have achieved a 3.0+ GPA and are involved in outreach and community service. 

April 6 Student-Athlete Day