Tuesday, 26 January 2016

February 1 Dump Your Significant Jerk Day

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February 1 Dump Your Significant Jerk Day is the day to unload the "baggage" called a bad relationship. If you have a jerk of a boyfriend or girlfriend today is your opportunity to tell them to "get lost". This holiday is a win-win.
What if you’re in a relationship with a Jerk or Jerkette? You know the type … never sends cards, never brings presents, never even notices the day that contributes mightily to the national gross profit every year.
Very Popular in United State of America.
To prep yourself for a breakup, grab a mirror to practice what you're going to say. This way, you can hopefully avoid slip-ups, but even more importantly, build your confidence -- especially if you're dealing with an over-confident jerk.
And since honesty is the key to a good relationship, you'll also want to depend on it for a smooth ending.
You can end that unhappy relationship and save yourself some money because you do not have to purchase a Valentine's Day gift.

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