Tuesday 6 December 2016

December 6 Gazpacho Day

December 6 Gazpacho Day

Today day is December 6 Gazpacho Day observed in US and all over the world. Gazpacho is a soup made of raw vegetables and served cold, originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. Gazpacho is widely eaten in Spain and neighboring Portugal (Portuguese: gazpacho), particularly during the hot summers, as it is refreshing and cool.
The original Spanish Gazpacho recipe includes stale bread, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and garlic, olive oil, wine, vinegar, water and salt.
Gazpacho has ancient roots. There are a number of theories of its origin, including as a soup of bread, olive oil, water and garlic that arrived in Spain and Portugal with the Romans and also with the addition of vinegar. Once in Spain, it became a part of And allusion cuisine, particularly Córdoba and Seville, using stale bread, garlic, olive oil, salt, and vinegar, similar to ajoblanco.
During the 19th century, the red gazpacho evolved when tomatoes were added among the ingredients. This version was spread internationally. (With material from Wikipedia)
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December 6 Gazpacho Day

December 6 Microwave Oven Day

December 6 Microwave Oven Day

Today day is December 6 Microwave Oven Day observed every year.
A microwave oven (commonly referred to as a microwave) is a kitchen appliance that heats and cooks food by exposing it to microwave radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. This induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and produce thermal energy in a process known as dielectric heating. Microwave ovens heat foods quickly and efficiently because excitation is fairly uniform in the outer 25–38 mm (1–1.5 inches) of a homogeneous, high water content food item; food is more evenly heated throughout (except in heterogeneous, dense objects) than generally occurs in other cooking techniques.

Percy Spencer is generally credited with inventing the modern microwave oven after World War II from radar technology developed during the war.
Named the "Radarange", it was first sold in 1946. Raytheon later licensed its patents for a home-use microwave oven that was first introduced by Tappan in 1955, but these units were still too large and expensive for general home use. The countertop microwave oven was first introduced in 1967 by the Amana Corporation, and their use has spread into commercial and residential kitchens around the world. (With material from Wikipedia)
Tips on Safe Microwave Oven Operation
• Follow the manufacturer's instruction manual for recommended operating procedures and safety precautions for your oven model.
• Use microwave safe cookware specially manufactured for use in the microwave oven.
• Don't operate a microwave oven if the door does not close firmly or is bent, warped, or otherwise damaged.
• Stop using a microwave oven if it continues to operate with the door open.
• As an added safety precaution, don't stand directly against an oven (and don't allow children to do this) for long periods of time while it is operating.
• Do not heat water or liquids in the microwave oven longer than recommended in the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Some ovens should not be operated when empty. Refer to the instruction manual for your oven.
• Regularly clean the oven cavity, the outer edge of the cavity, and the door with water and a mild detergent. A special microwave oven cleaner is not necessary. Be sure to not use scouring pads, steel wool, or other abrasives.
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December 6 Microwave Oven Day

December 5 Bathtub Party Day

December 5 Bathtub Party Day

Today day is December 5 Bathtub Party Day observed every year people enjoy this day to skip the ordinary, everyday shower and take luxuriate shower in a good soak in the tub.

Today Take a tub full of warm water today and have fun with bubbles and foam! A bathtub, bath or tub is a large container for holding water in which a person may bathe. A bathtub is usually placed in a bathroom either as a stand-alone fixture or in conjunction with a shower.
Bathing creates a feeling of well-being and the physical appearance of cleanliness. Bathing may also be practised for therapeutic purposes or as a recreational activity. (With material from: Wikipedia)
Bathtub Party Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy at Wellcat.com visit to more information. The creators of this day at Wellcat encourage you to invite a friend to your bathtub party.
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December 5 Bathtub Party Day

Sunday 4 December 2016

December 5 Sacher Torte Day

December 5 Sacher Torte Day

Today day is December 5 Sacher Torte Day observed every year, people also known as Sachertorte.
Sachertorte is a specific type of chocolate cake, or torte, invented by Austrian Franz Sacher in 1832 for Prince Wenzel von Metternich in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the most famous Viennese culinary specialties.

Recipes similar to that of the Sachertorte appeared as early as the 18th century, one instance being in the 1718 cookbook of Conrad Hagger, another individual represented in Gartler-Hickmann's 1749 Tried and True Viennese Cookbook (Wienerisches bewährtes Kochbuch).
In 1832, Prince Wenzel von Metternich charged his personal chef with creating a special dessert for several important guests. The head chef, having taken ill, let the task fall to his sixteen-year-old apprentice, Franz Sacher, then in his second year of training in Metternich's kitchen. The Prince is reported to have declared, "Let there be no shame on me tonight!" While the torte created by Sacher on this occasion is said to have delighted Metternich's guests, the dessert received no immediate further attention. Sacher completed his training as a chef and afterward spent time in Bratislava (Pressburg) and Budapest, ultimately settling in his hometown of Vienna, where he opened a specialty delicatessen and wine shop. (With material from Wikipedia)
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December 5 Sacher Torte Day

Saturday 3 December 2016

December 4 Dice Day

December 4 Dice Day

Today day is December 4 Dice Day observed every year across the US. Dice are small throw able objects with multiple resting positions, used for generating random numbers. Dice are suitable as gambling devices for games like craps and are also used in non-gambling tabletop games.
A traditional die is a cube, with each of its six faces showing a different number of dots (pips) from 1 to 6. When thrown or rolled, the die comes to rest showing on its upper surface a random integer from one to six, each value being equally likely. A variety of similar devices are also described as dice; such specialized dice may have polyhedral or irregular shapes and may have faces marked with symbols instead of numbers. They may be used to produce results other than one through six. Loaded and crooked dice are designed to favor some results over others for purposes of cheating or amusement.
Dice likely originated in the ancient Middle East. One of the oldest known dice games was excavated from a Mesopotamian tomb, dating to the 24th century BC. British archaeologist Leonard Woolley discovered the dice in the Royal Cemetery at Ur with a board game known as the Royal Game of Ur. Two types of dice, stick dice and tetrahedral dice (dice with four triangular surfaces), were found with the board game. Unlike modern dice, the numbers on the opposite sides of Mesopotamian dice were consecutive numbers rather than numbers that add up to seven. (With material from Wikipedia)
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December 4 Dice Day

Friday 2 December 2016

December 3 Roof Over Your Head Day

December 3 Roof Over Your Head Day

Today day is December 3 Roof Over Your Head Day observed every year. A Home and Roof for every one…And that’s most of us dreamed until we achieved.

“Love is not all you need – you will also need food, clothes and a roof over your heads. Silly, but so true.”
-Moffat Machingura
The primary job of most roofs is to keep out water. The large area of a roof repels a lot of water, which must be directed in some suitable way, so that it does not cause damage or inconvenience. Because the purpose of a roof is to protect people and their possessions from climatic elements, the insulating properties of a roof are a consideration in its structure and the choice of roofing material. (With material from: Wikipedia)
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December 3 Roof Over Your Head Day

Thursday 1 December 2016

December 2 Fritters Day

 December 2 Fritters Day

Today day is December 2 Fritters Day observed every year. Fritters are popular all over the world, though obviously they’re not called fritters everywhere you go.
Fritters are pan-fried or deep-fried cakes with a wide variety of fillings. Fritters have first been consumed by Ancient Romans who then carried them to Europe.
Fritters come in a variety of forms, from morsels dipped in flavorful batters to bits of dough stuffed or filled with delicious surprises, all of which are deep-fried and served hot with dips, drips or dustings of seasonings, sweets or sauces.
Enjoy your favorite fritter on Fritters Day, and then share them with a friend and family.
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 December 2 Fritters Day

December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day

December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day

Today day is December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day Observed every year.
There are over 7,500 varieties of apples, apples are widely available. They can come in a variety of shapes, flavors, and colors including all shades of red, green, and yellow. Washington State is one of the biggest producers of apples in US and over 7.5% of the world production coming from the US only.
Apples have high nutritional value and are an extremely healthy snack. You know the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
The peel alone contains antioxidants that help reduce damaged cells and fight diseases. Apples are also fat, sodium, and cholesterol free. They are very low in calories, have high amount of fiber and Vitamin C and their skin is full of antioxidants. They are thought to have bad cholesterol reducing properties and can help lower the risk of certain types of cancer.
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December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day

Tuesday 29 November 2016

November 30 Mousse Day

November 30 Mousse Day

Today day is November 30 Mousse Day, Mousse absolutely light desserts, observed every year. A mousse is naturally made with whipped egg whites or cream. It is known that it was a popular dish in the 18th century in France.
The first written record of its appearance is actually from an exposition in New York City in 1892.
The word mousse in French literally means foam. Various types of mousse can be found on the menu of many restaurants and coffee shops.
Chocolate mousse was a specialty in French restaurants during the 1800s, but now it can be found in restaurants and households worldwide. Popular variations include different kinds of chocolate, nut, and fruit flavors.
You can also make tasty mousse yourself using the finding recipe on Google and YouTube.
Today celebrate November 30 Mousse Day by going out with your family, friends.
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November 30 Mousse Day

November 30 Computer Security Day

 November 30 Computer Security Day

Today day November 30 Computer Security Day observed every year. We can see electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers make up an important component and Internet now become people everyday lives, every day people use it, people put there document, bank details and all most everything, so it is very necessary to secure our computer form internal and outside threats.
The first Computer Security Day was in 1988 started by the Association for Computer Security to raise awareness concerning computer security issues.
Communication has become easier and more efficient than ever before, these technological advancements have brought with them new drawback about privacy and security.
Here is tips to secure your computer.
1. Windows Update is enabled.
2. I log off the computer when I’m not using it.
3. A password is required to access my computer.
4. My home wireless network is secured.
5. My web browser does not store or remember my passwords.
6. Temporary Internet files are periodically removed.
7. Unused programs are removed.
8. Strong passwords are always used.
9. Passwords are not shared or written down.
10. Windows Firewall is turned on.
11. The software on my computer is up to date.
12. My important data is regularly backed up.
13. I use caution when I browse the Internet.
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 November 30 Computer Security Day

Monday 28 November 2016

November 29 Electronic Greetings Day

November 29 Electronic Greetings Day

Today day is November 29 Electronic Greetings Day observed every year. The first electronic greeting card site was The Electric Postcard and was created by Judith Donath in 1994 at the MIT Media Lab.
In today era reminds us of how things have changed. The convenience and speed of sending an electronic greeting allows more people than ever to participate in this thoughtful process. We all enjoy it when someone remembers our birthdays, anniversaries and other important life events.
It is clear that the holiday aims to encourage people to start a conversation with family and friends you haven't seen or spoken to for a while over the Internet. Sending e-cards or e-greetings can not only spread cheer, it can also help people reconnect.
Happy Electronic Greetings Day, Send an electronic Greeting.
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November 29 Electronic Greetings Day

Sunday 27 November 2016

November 28 French Toast Day

November 28 French Toast Day

Today day is November 28 French Toast Day observed every year. French toast “Eggy bread, omelet bread or gypsy toast” is the perfect way to start day.
The origin of French toast is unknown, but recipes date back to the sixteenth century in Europe. Prior to the Hundred Years War, French toast was known in England as "poor knight's pudding" because it was a simple and inexpensive dish that a knight with no money could afford. In France, it was called "pan perdu" or lost bread, because it was a way of using lost or stale bread.

To cook French toast, crack an egg in a medium bowl. Add 1/4 cup milk, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. Mix together. Heart a pan with 1 tsp butter on medium heat. Dip both side of a slice of bread in mixture. Chefs recommend using stale bread for cooking French toast because it soaks up more egg mixture without falling apart. Fry on both sides until brown.
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November 28 French Toast Day

Saturday 26 November 2016

November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day

 November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day

Today day is November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day observed every year, also called crème bavaroise. Bavarian Cream Pie originally served in gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels France in the early 19th century.
Bavarian cream pie is a delicious, chilled dessert made with a cooked egg custard layered with whipped cream and toppings in a pie shell. It is a classic dessert which first appeared in American cookbooks in the late 19th century.
Bavarian cream is a classic dessert that was included in the repertoire of Chef Marie-Antoine Carême, who is sometimes credited with it. It was named in the early 19th century for Bavaria or, perhaps more likely in the history of haute cuisine, for a particularly distinguished visiting Bavarian, such as a Wittelsbach. Escoffier declared that Bavarois would be more properly Moscovite, owing to its preparation, in the days before mechanical refrigeration, by being made in a "hermetically sealed" mold that was plunged into salted, crushed ice to set—hence "Muscovite". citation needed "Pannacotta", the Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatin and molded is comparable. (With material from Wikipedia)
Celebrate this day, make some divine Bavarian cream pie for you and your family to enjoy…
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November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day