Thursday 1 December 2016

December 2 Fritters Day

 December 2 Fritters Day

Today day is December 2 Fritters Day observed every year. Fritters are popular all over the world, though obviously they’re not called fritters everywhere you go.
Fritters are pan-fried or deep-fried cakes with a wide variety of fillings. Fritters have first been consumed by Ancient Romans who then carried them to Europe.
Fritters come in a variety of forms, from morsels dipped in flavorful batters to bits of dough stuffed or filled with delicious surprises, all of which are deep-fried and served hot with dips, drips or dustings of seasonings, sweets or sauces.
Enjoy your favorite fritter on Fritters Day, and then share them with a friend and family.
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 December 2 Fritters Day

December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day

December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day

Today day is December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day Observed every year.
There are over 7,500 varieties of apples, apples are widely available. They can come in a variety of shapes, flavors, and colors including all shades of red, green, and yellow. Washington State is one of the biggest producers of apples in US and over 7.5% of the world production coming from the US only.
Apples have high nutritional value and are an extremely healthy snack. You know the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
The peel alone contains antioxidants that help reduce damaged cells and fight diseases. Apples are also fat, sodium, and cholesterol free. They are very low in calories, have high amount of fiber and Vitamin C and their skin is full of antioxidants. They are thought to have bad cholesterol reducing properties and can help lower the risk of certain types of cancer.
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December 1 Eat a Red Apple Day

Tuesday 29 November 2016

November 30 Mousse Day

November 30 Mousse Day

Today day is November 30 Mousse Day, Mousse absolutely light desserts, observed every year. A mousse is naturally made with whipped egg whites or cream. It is known that it was a popular dish in the 18th century in France.
The first written record of its appearance is actually from an exposition in New York City in 1892.
The word mousse in French literally means foam. Various types of mousse can be found on the menu of many restaurants and coffee shops.
Chocolate mousse was a specialty in French restaurants during the 1800s, but now it can be found in restaurants and households worldwide. Popular variations include different kinds of chocolate, nut, and fruit flavors.
You can also make tasty mousse yourself using the finding recipe on Google and YouTube.
Today celebrate November 30 Mousse Day by going out with your family, friends.
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November 30 Mousse Day

November 30 Computer Security Day

 November 30 Computer Security Day

Today day November 30 Computer Security Day observed every year. We can see electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers make up an important component and Internet now become people everyday lives, every day people use it, people put there document, bank details and all most everything, so it is very necessary to secure our computer form internal and outside threats.
The first Computer Security Day was in 1988 started by the Association for Computer Security to raise awareness concerning computer security issues.
Communication has become easier and more efficient than ever before, these technological advancements have brought with them new drawback about privacy and security.
Here is tips to secure your computer.
1. Windows Update is enabled.
2. I log off the computer when I’m not using it.
3. A password is required to access my computer.
4. My home wireless network is secured.
5. My web browser does not store or remember my passwords.
6. Temporary Internet files are periodically removed.
7. Unused programs are removed.
8. Strong passwords are always used.
9. Passwords are not shared or written down.
10. Windows Firewall is turned on.
11. The software on my computer is up to date.
12. My important data is regularly backed up.
13. I use caution when I browse the Internet.
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 November 30 Computer Security Day

Monday 28 November 2016

November 29 Electronic Greetings Day

November 29 Electronic Greetings Day

Today day is November 29 Electronic Greetings Day observed every year. The first electronic greeting card site was The Electric Postcard and was created by Judith Donath in 1994 at the MIT Media Lab.
In today era reminds us of how things have changed. The convenience and speed of sending an electronic greeting allows more people than ever to participate in this thoughtful process. We all enjoy it when someone remembers our birthdays, anniversaries and other important life events.
It is clear that the holiday aims to encourage people to start a conversation with family and friends you haven't seen or spoken to for a while over the Internet. Sending e-cards or e-greetings can not only spread cheer, it can also help people reconnect.
Happy Electronic Greetings Day, Send an electronic Greeting.
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November 29 Electronic Greetings Day

Sunday 27 November 2016

November 28 French Toast Day

November 28 French Toast Day

Today day is November 28 French Toast Day observed every year. French toast “Eggy bread, omelet bread or gypsy toast” is the perfect way to start day.
The origin of French toast is unknown, but recipes date back to the sixteenth century in Europe. Prior to the Hundred Years War, French toast was known in England as "poor knight's pudding" because it was a simple and inexpensive dish that a knight with no money could afford. In France, it was called "pan perdu" or lost bread, because it was a way of using lost or stale bread.

To cook French toast, crack an egg in a medium bowl. Add 1/4 cup milk, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. Mix together. Heart a pan with 1 tsp butter on medium heat. Dip both side of a slice of bread in mixture. Chefs recommend using stale bread for cooking French toast because it soaks up more egg mixture without falling apart. Fry on both sides until brown.
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November 28 French Toast Day

Saturday 26 November 2016

November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day

 November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day

Today day is November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day observed every year, also called crème bavaroise. Bavarian Cream Pie originally served in gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels France in the early 19th century.
Bavarian cream pie is a delicious, chilled dessert made with a cooked egg custard layered with whipped cream and toppings in a pie shell. It is a classic dessert which first appeared in American cookbooks in the late 19th century.
Bavarian cream is a classic dessert that was included in the repertoire of Chef Marie-Antoine Carême, who is sometimes credited with it. It was named in the early 19th century for Bavaria or, perhaps more likely in the history of haute cuisine, for a particularly distinguished visiting Bavarian, such as a Wittelsbach. Escoffier declared that Bavarois would be more properly Moscovite, owing to its preparation, in the days before mechanical refrigeration, by being made in a "hermetically sealed" mold that was plunged into salted, crushed ice to set—hence "Muscovite". citation needed "Pannacotta", the Italian dessert of sweetened cream thickened with gelatin and molded is comparable. (With material from Wikipedia)
Celebrate this day, make some divine Bavarian cream pie for you and your family to enjoy…
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November 27 Bavarian Cream Pie Day

Friday 25 November 2016

November 26 Cake Day

November 26 Cake Day

Today day is November 26 Cake Day observed every year. The word “cake” comes from the Old Norse word, “kaka,” meaning a baked flour sweet.
Cakes typically contain a combination of flour, sugar, eggs and butter or oil, with some variety of liquid which may be milk or water, along with a leavening agent such as yeast or baking powder. Flavorful ingredients are often added, for example; chopped nuts, fresh, candied or dried fruit, fruit purees or extracts.

Cake has been everyone's favorite dessert since ancient times, Cake find at almost everyone’s birthday party whether they are age 1 or over 100.
The dessert of choice at bridal and baby showers, wedding receptions, retirement parties and just about any social event. Add ice cream, and you have America’s top favorite desserts in the same dish.
Today we could celebrate one of the world’s favorite desserts—cake with our friends and family.
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November 26 Cake Day

Thursday 24 November 2016

November 25 Parfait Day

November 25 Parfait Day

Today day is November 25 Parfait Day observed every year. Parfait is a French word literally meaning "perfect" commonly employed to describe a kind of frozen dessert, beginning in 1894.

The United States, parfait refers to either the traditional French-style dessert or to a popular variant, the American parfait, made by layering parfait cream, ice cream, and/or flavored gelatins in a tall, clear glass, and topping the creation with whipped cream, fresh or canned fruit, and/or liqueurs.
In the northern United States and Canada, parfaits may also be made by using yogurt layered with nuts or fresh fruits such as peaches, strawberries, or blueberries. (With material from: Wikipedia)
Savor your favorite flavor of parfait, as you enjoy Parfait Day.
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November 25 Parfait Day

Wednesday 23 November 2016

November 24 Sardines Day

November 24 Sardines Day

Today day is November 24 Sardines Day observed every year. Sardines are a popular food regularly consumed by millions of people.
Sardines are a nutrient-rich fish widely consumed by humans. They are commonly served in cans, but fresh sardines are often grilled, pickled, or smoked.

The sardine canning industry peaked in the United States in the 1950s.
Sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a good source of vitamin D, calcium, B12, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and protein. Sardines, or pilchards, are several types of small, oily fish related to herrings, family Clupeid. The term sardine was first used in English during the early 15th century, and may come from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, around which sardines were once abundant.
Sardines are typically sold canned. Before being canned, sardines are washed, beheaded, and cooked by steam-cooking or deep-frying. Then the fish are dried. They can be packed either in olive, soybean, or sunflower oil, water, or a tomato, mustard or chili sauce.
Today we celebrate this dish with our family and friends.
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November 24 Sardines Day

Tuesday 22 November 2016

November 23 Cashew Day

November 23 Cashew Day

Today day is November 23 Cashew Day observed every year.
The cashew nut is a seed harvested from the cashew tree. Northeastern Brazil was the original native home to the cashew tree. Although native to northeast Brazil, the Portuguese took the cashew plant to Goa, India, between 1560 and 1565. From Goa, it spread throughout Southeast Asia and eventually Africa.

The largest cashew tree in the world covers about 81,000 sq. ft. and is located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The cashew tree has a fruit called the “cashew apple”.
Cashews are an excellent source of antioxidants. Cashews are a source of dietary trace minerals: copper, manganese, magnesium and phosphorous. Cashew oil is a dark yellow oil for cooking or salad dressing pressed from cashew nuts. Many parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Cashew, unlike other oily tree nuts, contain starch to about 10% of their weight. This makes them more effective than other nuts in thickening water-based dishes such as soups, meat stews, and some Indian milk-based desserts. Many Southeast Asian and south Asian cuisines use cashews for this unusual characteristic, rather than other nuts. (With material from: Wikipedia)
To celebrate Cashew Day, snack on some cashews or cook them into your favorite recipe.
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November 23 Cashew Day

November 23 Eat a Cranberry Day

November 23 Eat a Cranberry Day

Today day is November 23 Eat a Cranberry Day observed every year.
Cranberries are a major commercial crop in certain American states and Canadian provinces. Most cranberries are processed into products such as juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried cranberries, with the remainder sold fresh to consumers. Cranberry sauce is regarded as an indispensable part of traditional American and Canadian Thanksgiving menus and some European winter festivals.

Are a major commercial crop in certain American states; Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin.
Cranberry wine is made in some of the cranberry-growing regions of the United States.
Today enjoy this day something made by cranberries juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried with your friends and family.
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November 23 Eat a Cranberry Day

Sunday 20 November 2016

November 22 World Television Day

November 22 World Television Day

Today day is November 22 World Television Day observed every year by thousands of people.
In December 1996 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 November as World Television Day commemorating the date on which the first World Television Forum was held in 1996.

World Television Day highlights how communications can facilitate social and cultural development, and encourages cooperation and partnerships in international media.
Opposition to this declaration took the form of 11 abstentions to a vote on the resolution; in expressing their opposition, the delegation from Germany said:
There are already three United Nations days encompassing similar subjects: World Press Freedom Day; World Telecommunication Day; and World Development Information Day. To add another day does not make much sense... Television is only one means of information and an information medium to which a considerable majority of the world population has no access... That vast majority could easily look at World Television Day as a rich man's day. They do not have access to television. There are more important information media and here I would mention radio in particular. We think it is more important to enhance the role of those media than that of television (With material from Wikipedia)
Today day celebrate by World Television Day is by watching television.
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November 22 World Television Day