Thursday 10 November 2016

November 11 Sundae Day

November 11 Sundae Day

Today day is November 11 Sundae Day, delicious ice cream dessert celebrated every year.
The sundae typically consists of several scoops of ice cream topped with syrup or sweet sauce. Other toppings can also be used such as whipped cream, sprinkles, fresh or canned fruit, maraschino cherries.

This tasty treat has been first served from 1906 to till now. There are three cities in the United States that all claim to be the birthplace of the sundae, but the true origin of this dessert is unknown.
You can make it yourself or pick one at a local ice cream shop or coffee shop and give this treat to your family and friends.
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November 11 Sundae Day

Wednesday 9 November 2016

November 10 Marine Corps Birthday

November 10 Marine Corps Birthday

Today day is November 10 The US Marine Corps Birthday observed every year with a traditional ball and cake-cutting ceremony. On that day in 1775, the Continental Marines were established.
Tun Tavern, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is regarded as the birthplace of the Corps as the location of the first Marines to enlist under Commandant Samuel Nicholas, though it is disputed if a recruiting drive may have occurred earlier at Nicholas's family tavern, the Conestoga Waggon . When the Revolutionary War ended in 1783, the Continental Navy was disestablished, and with it, the Continental Marines. The Corps was re-established on 11 July 1798, when the "act for establishing and organizing a Marine Corps" was signed by President John Adams. (With material from Wikipedia)
Today we have to Thank a Marine for their service by email, flowers, using social media and much more as you think.
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Tuesday 8 November 2016

November 9 Scrapple Day

November 9 Scrapple Day
Today day is November 9 Scrapple Day observed yearly for the Scrapple is arguably the first pork food invented in America.
The immediate ancestor of scrapple was the Low German dish called panhas, which was adapted to make use of locally available ingredients and, in parts of Pennsylvania, it is still called Pannhaas, panhoss, ponhoss or pannhas.

Scrapple is typically made of pork trimmings and scraps. Pork is combined with cornmeal, wheat flour, and spices to make a mush. The mush is formed into a loaf and sliced. The slices are pan-fried in oil before serving. Scrapple can be served plain or with various condiments such as mustard, ketchup, maple syrup, apple butter, honey, or jelly.
Scrapple is typically eaten for breakfast So call your friends and family member on Breakfast and serve them Scrapple, and Enjoy this dish. Share on social media using #November9ScrappleDay
November 9 Scrapple Day

Monday 7 November 2016

November 8 Cappuccino Day

November 8 Cappuccino Day
Today day is November 8 Cappuccino Day observer every year. Cappuccino is a coffee drink which is traditionally composed of espresso and hot milk and topped with steamed-milk foam. Its name comes from the Capuchin friars referring to the distinctive red-brown color of their hooded robes.
The word cappuccino comes from Italian, meaning hood or something that covers the head.

In 1945 Achille Gaggia invented the modern espresso machine which further popularized the cappuccino.
The start of 21st Century – A modified short-cut version of the cappuccino started being served at fast-food chains.
Enjoy this day with hot cup of cappuccino is perfect on a frosty morning, meeting with family and friends or just to enjoy Cappuccino.
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November 8 Cappuccino Day

Sunday 6 November 2016

November 7 Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

November 7 Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
Today day is November 7 Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day observed every year.
Bittersweet chocolate is a type of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate consists of chocolate liquor (pure cocoa mass), fat, and sugar. It contains very little milk or no milk at all. Dark chocolate varieties differ in sugar content. Semisweet chocolate contains half as much sugar as cocoa while sugar percentage in bittersweet sugar is not higher than one fourth of.
Almonds are edible seeds of the almond tree. They are referred to as nuts although they are not true nuts from a botanical point of view. Almonds are nuts in the culinary sense. Almonds have a distinctive flavor and are widely used in many sweets and desserts. Enjoy the following recipes:

Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day is sponsored by the National Confections Association.
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Saturday 5 November 2016

November 6 Saxophone Day

November 6 Saxophone Day

Today day is November 6 Saxophone Day, commemorates the birth of the woodwind’s inventor, Adolphe Sax. Sax constructed saxophones in several sizes in the early 1840s and on June 28, 1846, received a 15-year patent for the instrument.

After Sax’s patent expired in 1866, several saxophonists and instrument manufacturers implemented their own improvements to the original design and keywork.
Full playlist of some of the greatest Saxophonist

Julian Smith Saxophonist 

The saxophone has proved very popular in military band music, and is commonly used in jazz and classical music. There is substantial repertoire of concert music in the classical idiom for the members of the saxophone family. Saxophone players are called saxophonists. (With material from: Wikipedia)
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Friday 4 November 2016

November 5 Doughnut Day

November 5 Doughnut Day

Today day is November 5 Doughnut Day every year, Doughnut Day was created by The Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served the doughnuts to soldiers in World War I. This day began as a fund-raiser for Chicago’s Salvation Army. The goal of their 1938 fund-raiser was to help the needy during the Great Depression.

On this day look to see if your local doughnut shop, or other organizations, are offering free donuts to solicit donations for the Salvation Army or for another needy cause. If you find them, please be generous. 

The doughnuts were often cooked in oil inside the metal helmets of American soldiers. American infantrymen were then commonly called “doughboys.” A more standard spelling is donut.
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Thursday 3 November 2016

November 4 Candy Day

November 4 Candy Day

Today day is November 4 Candy Day observed yearly. Everyone love Candy specialy loved by kids come with numerous colors, shapes, sizes and verieties.
It was in the late 13th century that the Middle English word candy began to be used, coming into English from the Old French cucre candi, derived in turn from Persian Qand and Qandi, cane sugar.
Way back in time, before sugar, candy was made from honey. The honey was used to coat fruits and flowers to preserve them or to create forms of candy. There is still candy that is served in this way today, but it is typically seen as a garnish.
Since 1979, the world has produced more sugar than can be sold, making it very attainable and cheap.
When the technological advances and the availability of sugar opened up the market in the 1830s, the candy business underwent a drastic change. Candy was not only for the enjoyment of the well to do but the pleasure of everyone. Penny candies became popular, targeting children. 1847 – Invention of the candy press making it possible to produce multiple shapes and sizes of candy at one time.
1851 – Confectioners began using a revolving steam pan to assist in boiling sugar.
Today Grab a pack of your favorite candy share with other specially in kids of your society, school and enjoy…
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November 3 Housewife’s Day

November 3 Housewife’s Day

Today is November 3 Housewife’s observe every year to owner the housewife who serve her family 24*7 and stay at home and some of them do job too they deserved thank you that is much deserved.
It wasn’t all that long ago when most gals were stay-at-home women. While the men went to the office every day, it was the woman’s “job” to take care of the home and the children.

It is suspected that a housewife created this day in order to gain more appreciation for her hard work at home. So if you are a housewife, take the day of and enjoy doing nothing for a change.
Celebrate this day to showing your wife or mother the appreciation she deserves by helping her out to finish the housework and take her out for dinner.
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Tuesday 1 November 2016

November 2 Deviled Egg Day

November 2 Deviled Egg Day
Today day is November 2 Deviled Egg Day observed each year, to honors side dish for parties. This dish is a traditional favorite in both American and French cultures. Deviled eggs are made with hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, and seasoning, and can be served as a side dish, appetizer, or main course.
The first known print reference referring to the term “deviled” about food, appeared in 1786. It was in the 19th century that it came to be used when referring to spicy or zesty food, including eggs prepared with mustard, pepper or other ingredients stuffed in the yolk cavity.
Deviled eggs are easy to cook. First, you need to make hard-boiled eggs and let them cool. Then peel the eggs and half them lengthwise. Mash the yolks and mix them with mayonnaise, mustard, and spices. You can also add other ingredients such as pickle relish, diced olives, vinegar, diced onion, cream, caviar, capers.
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November 1 Authors’ Day

November 1 Authors’ Day

Today day is November 1 Authors’ Day people celebrate every year. After her grandmother’s death in 1968, Sue Cole promoted the observance of Authors Day. She urged people to write a note to their favorite author on November 1, to “brighten up the sometimes lonely business of being a writer.”
In 1928, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, president of the Bement, Illinois Women’s Club had also an idea of setting aside a day to celebrate American authors.
The United States Department of Commerce recognized this day in 1949. On this day thank your favorite authors for writing your favorite books.
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Sunday 30 October 2016

October 31 Caramel Apple Day

October 31 Caramel Apple Day

Today day is October 31 Caramel Apple Day observed every year.
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October 31 Caramel Apple Day

October 30 Candy Corn Day

October 30 Candy Corn Day

Today day is October 30 Candy Corn Day observed every year.
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October 30 Candy Corn Day