Saturday 2 July 2016

July 3 Eat Your Beans Day

July 3 Eat Your Beans Day

Eat Your Beans Day is a “live healthy” holiday celebrated every year on July 3. They are also high in protein and very low in fat, which makes them one of the most heart-healthy foods known to man. The USDA recommends that adults eat at least three cups of beans every week, which is about three times more than the average person usually consumes.

There are thousands of different bean varieties. Some of the most popular include: soybeans, lima beans, pinto beans, green beans, black beans, white beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, and black-eyed peas.

the bean vegetable in all sizes, shapes and colors. Beans (legumes) are one of the longest cultivated plants dating back to the early seventh millennium BCE. There are approximately 40,000 bean varieties in the world.
To celebrate Eat Beans Day, cook up your favorite bean recipe for dinner tonight. 

July 3 Eat Your Beans Day

Friday 1 July 2016

July 2 I Forgot Day

July 2 I Forgot Day

July 2 celebrates National I Forgot Day. This day is one to simply “not remember”. If you have ever wished you had an excuse for those things you somehow let slip your mind, today you have it! You can celebrate today by just letting yourself forget.

Celebrate this day with forget any bad memory that you have stored.
I Forgot Day gives you the chance to make up for forgetting birthdays, anniversaries, and even those days you think you might forget in the future. 

July 2 I Forgot Day

July 2 Hop-a-Park Day

July 2 Hop-a-Park Day

July 2 Hop A Park Day encourages you to visit the local parks in your area, and to enjoy public space put aside to rest and relaxation. On this day, it is suggested that you visit the different parks in your area.

If you normally use a park just to play baseball, see what you've been missing in other corners of the park. . We think it would be fun to travel to every single one of your local parks (hop, hop, hop) today. Take at least one photo per park, and write notes to yourself so your remember which one has that great climbing structure you didn't know about, say, and which has tennis courts.

Check geocaching websites to see if there are any caches to discover in your parks.

July 2 Hop-a-Park Day

Thursday 30 June 2016

July 1 Postal Worker Day

July 1 Postal Worker Day

Postal Worker Day is observed annually on July 1st. This is a day to appreciate and thank the numerous men and women who work consistently and diligently deliver all of our mail and packages. These employees suffer some of the harshest working conditions, yet continue to persevere six days a week.

“The USPS is so deeply ingrained in America’s history, commerce stream and quality of life that we can easily take it for granted,” says Dennis P. LeStrange, Neopost USA’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “But we shouldn’t ever forget the benefits we derive from the nation’s postal workers. The USPS as an institution deserves to be recognized for its steadfast dedication to delivery, social responsibility, security, technology and innovation.

Postal workers walk an average of 4 to 8 miles carrying a full load of letters and packages and delivering them promptly to each of our doorsteps. There are approximately 490,000 postal workers across the United States.
Take time to thank your local postal worker. Encourage others to get the word out and make every postal worker’s day. 

July 1 Postal Worker Day

July 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

July 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

July 1st marks Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day, a day to sample or wonder about the awkward or just plain silly kinds of ice cream flavors. It is meant for more than the love of the traditional vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream.

From fish flavored varieties to ice cream made from goat’s milk, the options for satisfying your ice cream craving seem endless. Haagen-Daz announces new flavors and types of ice cream every year, and there are many local boutique ice cream shops with their own unique flavors.

Ice cream is an extremely popular dessert in the United States. Americans consume about 13 liters of ice cream per person per year - the most in the world. As a foodstuff it is deeply ingrained into the American psyche and has been available in America since its founding in 1776: there are records of Thomas Jefferson serving it as a then-expensive treat to guests at his home in Monticello.
Happy Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day 

July 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

June 30 Meteor Watch Day

June 30 Meteor Watch Day

Meteor Watch Day is observed every year on June 30. A meteor or “shooting star” is the visible streak of light from a heated and glowing meteoroid falling through the Earth’s atmosphere; it is also call a “shooting star”.

these shooting stars are actually very small like small stone. The size of the meteoroid can vary the size of a closed fist to the size of a pebble. Thousands of meteoroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere on a daily basis, but very few of them actually reach the surface; but when they do, they are called “meteorites.”
Around 15,000 tons of meteoroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere every day. The chemical composition and the speed of the meteoroid will cause different hues to the light.

Possible colors and elements producing them include: Orange/yellow (sodium), Yellow (iron), Blue/green (copper), Purple (potassium) and Red (silicate).
A list of meteor shower dates as well as a guide to successful watching can be found on the EarthSky website.
Enjoy Meteor Watch day as you scan the night skies in search of meteors. We sure hope you see some. 

June 30 Meteor Watch Day

June 30 Social Media Day

June 30 Social Media Day

Social Media Day is observed annually on June 30. Social media seems to be everywhere these days. Social Media Day was launched by the popular website Mashable back in 2010, and often sees fans of the site going to real life meet ups.

Social media has become a major factor in the world. For many of us, it is how we keep up with what our friends are up to, even if they’re on the other side of the planet. It has also played a big part in world events.
Though the days of social media pioneer Myspace are now long gone, now there are Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook, Hike, Vine, Snap chat and many more are well known today’s world.

It has also made it possible to connect with ancestors and find relatives you never even knew existed. Yes, the family tree has become a social media platform as well. and and many others all supply a social platform where distant family members have the potential to meet and built their family trees.
Happy Social Media Day… 

June 30 Social Media Day

Tuesday 28 June 2016

June 29 Almond Buttercrunch Day

June 29 Almond Buttercrunch Day

June 29 is Almond Butter crunch Day.Almond butter crunch is American invention that became popular during World War II. At that time almond butter crunch was shipped to American soldiers, who fought overseas, and the confection became an international hit.

Unfortunately butter crunch isn't tasty if it's not fresh. Brown & Haley's co-founder J.C. Haley found a great way of storing the candies. He figured out, that if tins kept his favorite coffee fresh, they would do the same for the candies. Remember, if you want to store butter crunch fresh, use tin or an airtight container.

The best way to celebrate Almond Butter crunch Day is to share the wonderful taste and joy that is this delicious candy. You can buy candies that are based on this wonderful base and hand them out to friends, family, and co-workers. 

June 29 Almond Buttercrunch Day

June 29 Camera Day

June 29 Camera Day

Camera Day is observed each year on June 29th. Joseph Niépce was a French inventor; he is most noted as one of the inventors of photography and was a pioneer in the field. He developed the heliograph; a technique used to produce the world’s first known photograph in 1825, the view from the window at Le Gras the families estate.

In 1839, Louis Jacques Daguerre took the first fixed image that didn’t fade. He is recognized for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography. He became known as one of the fathers of photography. His method required 30 minutes of exposure. He named the process – the Daguerreotype. Tintypes were developed in 1856 by Hamilton Smith and decades later, George Eastman invented flexible and unbreakable film that could be rolled. This was the birth of the first Kodak that was offered for sale in 1888.

The first digital camera that was commercially was sold in December of 1989 in Japan, the DS-X by Fuji. In 1991, Kodak brought to market the Kodak DCS-100, the beginning of a long line of professional Kodak DCS SLR cameras that were based in part on film bodies.
Go find something or someone who you enjoy, snap a picture and cherish the memory. Post photos on social media… 

June 29 Camera Day

Monday 27 June 2016

June 28 Insurance Awareness Day

June 28 Insurance Awareness Day

Insurance Awareness Day is observed each year on June 28. This day was created as a day to review your insurance coverage. Insurance does offer a person peace of mind knowing they are financially protected in case of loss, damage, illness or death. The origins and the creator of this special day are unfortunately unknown.

The best way to celebrate the auspicious Insurance Awareness Day is to get in and talk to an insurance agent that can discuss all the various types of insurance that can protect you and your family. Car insurance ensures that when your vehicle gets crumpled in a wreck, it can easily put you back on the road and able to get to work. Supplemental insurance (like the one advertised by that duck) makes sure that injuries and the like are covered, and home insurance protects you (even if you rent) from the damages of fire and accident. 

June 28 Insurance Awareness Day

June 28 Paul Bunyan Day

June 28 Paul Bunyan Day

Paul Bunyan Day is named after the giant lumberjack in American folklore and is observed on June 28. It is suggested that on this day, take some time and read one of the Paul Bunyan original tales.

First appearing in print in 1906, in a story published by Northern Michigan journalist James MacGillivray, Bunyan’s character originated in folktales circulated among lumberjacks in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. One account states that the tales began during the Papineau Rebellion of 1837. In 1914, the stories were reworked by William Laughead, for a logging company’s advertising campaign, and found a new widespread popularity. It was the 1922 edition of Laughead’s tales that inspired many others and soon the character was widely known across all of the United States and Canada.

Celebrate Paul Bunyan Day in a giant way. Learn more about Paul and his tales. Spread the tales around. They are best told by word of mouth around a campfire. 

June 28 Paul Bunyan Day

Sunday 26 June 2016

June 27 Orange Blossom Day

June 27 Orange Blossom Day

Orange Blossom Day is observed annually on June 27th. Fragrant orange blossoms offer multiple health benefits when prepared correctly to make a tea or orange blossom water. This day is set aside to enjoy Orange Blossoms for their aesthetic beauty.

The orange blossom is Florida’s state flower. Not only do the flowers result in the sweet as sunshine orange fruit, but thanks to the pollinating bees, we also get to enjoy a unique honey with a faintly orange flavor a delightful treat. The blossom’s scent goes into making perfumes and other fragrances for the home.

Recipe of Orange Blossom cocktail, Mix in shaker 2 ounces of gin, 1 ounce of orange juice, 1 teaspoon of sugar and ice cubes. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Garnish cocktail with an orange slice. Now you can celebrate the holiday. 

June 27 Orange Blossom Day

June 27 Sunglasses Day

June 27 Sunglasses Day

Sun Glasses Day is celebrated on June 27. It's a day to protect your eyes from the glaring sun and to celebrate the practical invention. Healthcare professionals recommend eye protection whenever the sun comes out to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation (UV) and blue light, which can cause several serious eye problems. Sunglasses have long been associated with celebrities and film actors primarily from a desire to mask their identity. Since the 1940s sunglasses have been popular as a fashion accessory, especially on the beach.

Although the origins of Sunglasses Day are unknown, the history of sunglasses stretches as far back as 14th century China, where judges used eye wear made of smoke-coloured quartz to mask their emotions.

To celebrate Sunglasses Day, pick up a new pair of shades at your local sunglasses store. 

June 27 Sunglasses Day