Monday 20 June 2016

June 21 Go Skateboarding Day

June 21 Go Skateboarding Day

June 21 marked as Go Skateboarding Day, go with your friends and do some skateboarding. The International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC) to promote skateboarding.

Skateboarding is an action sport which involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard. Skateboarding can also be considered a recreational activity, an art form, a job, or a method of transportation.
Many skateboard groups hold events on this day to promote the hobby. Why not you are involved as a participant. 

June 21 Go Skateboarding Day

June 21 Daylight Appreciation Day

June 21 Daylight Appreciation Day

Daylight Appreciation Day is observed each year on June 21. Daylight Appreciation Day is sponsored by Solatube International, Inc., a manufacturer of Tubular Daylighting Devices. Daylight Appreciation Day is also a day to learn more about the importance of daylighting.

This day recognizes summer solstice (the longest day of daylight in the northern hemisphere) and encourages people to celebrate the many benefits of the sun. Daylighting is using skylights, windows and other architectural openings to natural light interior spaces. Doing so helps not only to reduce energy consumption but may also have health benefits.

Enjoy the summer solstice, enjoy the sunshine and let the sun shine into your home, enjoy the feel-good effect of daylight. 

June 21 Daylight Appreciation Day

Sunday 19 June 2016

June 20 Vanilla Milkshake Day

June 20 Vanilla Milkshake Day

June 20 is Vanilla Milkshake Day, people happily celebrate this day annually.

The first time the term “milkshake” was used in print was in 1885. The first milkshakes were not suitable for children, because the drinks contained whiskey. By the 1900s eggs and whiskey were dropped and milkshake was made with chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrup. And the milkshake we know was born in 1922, when an employee at Chicago Walgreens added two scoops of ice cream to malted milk that was widely used for milkshakes.

Celebrate National Vanilla Milkshake Day with a glass of sweet treat. If you plan to make milkshake for adults only, you can add some alcohol to make it tastier. A shot of whiskey or your favorite liquor will be enough. Combine ice cream, milk, alcohol and vanilla extract in blender. Then pour milkshake in glasses and serve the drink immediately. Remember, the more ice cream you use to make a milkshake, the thicker it will be. 

June 20 Vanilla Milkshake Day



Observed each year on June 20th is American Eagle Day. The Bald Eagle is both the national bird and the national animal of the United States of America and appears on its Seal.

This day is set aside to honor our national symbol, raise awareness for protecting the Bald Eagle, assist in the recovery of their natural environments and take part in educational outreach.
In the latter 20th century, the Bald Eagle was on the brink of extinction in the continental United States. Eventually, populations recovered and on July 12, 1995, the species was removed from the U.S. Federal Government’s List of Endangered Species and transferred to the List of Threatened Species. On June 2007, it was withdrawn from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife in the Lower 48 States.

The name “Bald Eagle” derives from an older meaning of “white headed” as the bird is actually not bald. The adult eagle is mainly brown with a white head and tail.
So get out the today and help the American Eagle. 


Saturday 18 June 2016

June 19 Turkey Lovers’ Day

June 19 Turkey Lovers’ Day

Turkey Lovers’ Day is observed annually on the third Sunday in June this time it’s June 19. Ground turkey, turkey tenderloin, turkey sausage and turkey bacon are some of the more popular ways to enjoy this delicious meat. Often people enjoyed more often in the spring and summer turkey. Enjoy Turkey dish on this day and pls. don’t forget to save turkey, pass this msg on social media.

Eat Turkey Save Turkey for our future generation. 

June 19 Turkey Lovers’ Day

June 19 Martini Day

June 19 Martini Day

Martini Day is observed annually on June 19. Martini has grown to become one of the best-known mixed alcoholic drinks Martini has been enjoyed as an alcoholic gin and vermouth cocktail for many decades and is now one of the most famous cocktails in the world.

The ratio of gin to vermouth has been steadily increasing since the cocktail was created. During the latter part of the 20th century, 6:1, 8:1, 12:1, or even 50:1 or 100:1 martinis became considered the norm.
The stronger claim of martini invention belongs to the city of Martinez itself. A bartender Julio Richelieu made the first martini. His recipe called for gin, sweet vermouth, bitters and an olive.

Enjoy it today to celebrate Martini Day… 

June 19 Martini Day

June 19 Father’s Day

June 19 Father’s Day

Father’s Day is observed annually on the third Sunday in June. Father’s Day is now celebrated in many countries around the world. This day is set aside to honor the role that fathers play in the family structure and society.

The first recorded celebration of Father’s Day happened after the Monograph Mining Disaster, which killed 361 men and left around 1,000 children fatherless in December 1907. Grace Golden Clayton suggested to her pastor Robert Thomas Webb a day honoring all those fathers. On July 5th, 1908, a gathering in honor of these men took place at Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South, now known as Central United Methodist Church, in Fairmont, West Virginia.

Modern Father's Day was invented by Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd, born in Creston, Washington, who was also the driving force behind its establishment. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who reared his six children in Spokane, Washington. She was inspired by Anna Jarvis's efforts to establish Mother's Day. Although she initially suggested June 5, her father's birthday, she did not provide the organizers with enough time to make arrangements, and the celebration was deferred to the third Sunday of June. The first June Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, WA, at the Spokane YMCA.
Happy Father’s Day…. 

June 19 Father’s Day

Friday 17 June 2016

June 18 Go Fishing Day

June 18 Go Fishing Day

Go Fishing Day is observed annually on June 18th. Fishing is considered to be a peaceful activity. Getting up early and going to a lake or river for fishing increases the chances to successfully catch some fish. Some people like to spend a whole day outside, and even if they do not catch anything they do not find it boring. Go fishing on Go Fishing Day is a great opportunity to leave behind city noises, stress and the hectic pace.

The practice of catching (or attempting to catch) fish with a hook is known as angling. Catch and release (returning the fish to the water to continue its life) is sometimes expected or required by law. For others, this is a preferred form of fishing.

The fish hereby are caught alive and could be left free unharmed at the end of the day. Go Fishing Day invites people to spend a peaceful day outside and get in touch with nature. 

June 18 Go Fishing Day

June 18 Splurge Day

June 18 Splurge Day

Splurge Day is celebrated on June 18. Whilst for the rest of the year you may be a model of financial prudence, Splurge Day is an opportunity to let your hair down and spend.

Take the time to pull away from the everyday busyness and stress of life to treat yourself. Perhaps that splurge is extra whipped cream on your latte, an afternoon at the spa, or booking the vacation you have been dreaming about taking. Savor the indulgence. If you splurge on a day off to play golf, enjoy each moment of the 18 holes regardless of the score. Maybe the splurge is for a bottle of expensive wine.

This extraordinary holiday was invented by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith, an American eventologist. Her request on National Splurge Day is to splurge, shop and squander as much as possible.
Happy Splurge Day… 

June 18 Splurge Day

Thursday 16 June 2016

June 17 Apple Strudel Day

June 17 Apple Strudel Day

June 17 is Apple Strudel Day observed every year. Onget whirled up in pastry dough, apples and spices. The best apple strudels come from Austria, where they originated. Strudels sold in supermarkets are even not similar to real strudels.
The German meaning of strudel is vortex or eddy, which aptly describes the way the pastry layers circle the filling. When creating the dish these layers need to be worked until they are thin enough to read through. It is easy to create at home, using layers of buttered filo pastry, wrapped around your own stewed apple.

There are many varieties to strudels, they can be sweet and savory. Sweet strudels include cherry, cheese, poppy seeds and today's special apple filling. But if you're looking for savory strudel, then spinach and cabbage will be the best.
The oldest strudel recipe dates back to 1696. It was handwritten and for many years kept in the Vienna City Library. Although strudel is Austrian pastry, it has got origins in the Byzantine Empire, and was developed from pastry like baklava.

June 17 Apple Strudel Day

June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day

June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day

June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day is observed annually.
As part of a main meal or as a snack, vegetables can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Each vegetable has its own nutritional content though generally they contain a little protein or fat and varying proportions of vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Vitamin B6, pro vitamins, dietary minerals and carbohydrates.
They also contain a variety of other petrochemicals, some of which have antioxidant, antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral and anti carcinogenic properties. Many vegetables also contain fiber which is important for gastrointestinal function. Another benefit is the essential nutrients that vegetables contain that are necessary for healthy hair and skin.

It is recommended by the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, to consume 3 to 5 servings of vegetables per day. This recommendation may vary, however, depending on age and gender. For most vegetables, one serving is equivalent of 1/2 to 1 cup and can be eaten either raw or cooked.
We encourage parents to let the kids help with dinner, preparing the salad and vegetables. Along the way, you tell your kids a little about the importance of vegetables for a long and healthy life.
On this day, you are encouraged to eat vegetables for every meal, and for a snack. Better still, try to be a vegetarian....for the day. Short of that, any additional vegetables at meal time today will honor the event, as well as make you a little healthier.

June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day

Wednesday 15 June 2016

June 16 Fudge Day

June 16 Fudge Day

June 16 annually celebrates Fudge Day,The origins of Fudge Day are unknown.Fudge is soft, smooth confectionery made by heating and mixing milk, butter and sugar.Fudge Day is the perfect excuse to try some crazy new flavors of fudge. Fudge lends itself to experimentation when it comes to flavors. Blending favorites or even a moment of inspiration will create a new delicious kind of fudge. Adding bits of candy, nuts or sprinkles can add just the right celebratory burst of excitement to an old favorite.
You can use this basic recipe.
Melt three cups (700g) of chocolate chips along with fourteen ounces (400g) of sweetened condensed milk and ¼ cup (30g) of butter or margarine in a large bowl in the microwave. Cook on medium heat for approximately four minutes, or until the chocolate chips have all melted, stirring a couple of times during cooking. Add in any extra ingredients (nuts, fruit, biscuits, marshmallows, etc.) required and stir well. Pour fudge mixture into a greased 8″x8″ glass dish and refrigerate until set.

In the late 19th century, some shops on Mackinac Island, Michigan, began to produce similar products as the Vassar College fudge and sold it to summer vacationers. Fudge is still made in some of the original shops located on the famous island.
Enjoy this dish with your colleagues, friends or family...Happy Fudge Day... 

June 16 Fudge Day

June 16 Fresh Veggies Day

June 16 Fresh Veggies Day

June 16 is Fresh Veggies Day observed by people every year. Fresh Veggies Day was celebrated in early summer Take a vow to eat healthy everyday, with fresh veggies for every meal, and for snack, too. Better still, be a vegetarian for a day. Your body will like it.
Fresh vegetables are tasty, far better tasting than canned or frozen vegetables. They are also healthy and highly nutritious. This makes it easy to add fresh vegetables to the menu at every meal, and for snacking. This time of year, there are plenty of fresh vegetables at your local grocery store, or in your backyard vegetable garden.

On this day you can do many things to do like inviting friends to a healthy fresh vegetable meal. Even more fun is it to go cropping together and prepare the food in a group. In June, when Fresh Veggies Day takes place it is harvest time for beans, peas, salad, spinach, broccoli and many more. They are a perfect complement to a sporty and healthy lifestyle.

June 16 Fresh Veggies Day