Wednesday 15 June 2016

June 16 Fudge Day

June 16 Fudge Day

June 16 annually celebrates Fudge Day,The origins of Fudge Day are unknown.Fudge is soft, smooth confectionery made by heating and mixing milk, butter and sugar.Fudge Day is the perfect excuse to try some crazy new flavors of fudge. Fudge lends itself to experimentation when it comes to flavors. Blending favorites or even a moment of inspiration will create a new delicious kind of fudge. Adding bits of candy, nuts or sprinkles can add just the right celebratory burst of excitement to an old favorite.
You can use this basic recipe.
Melt three cups (700g) of chocolate chips along with fourteen ounces (400g) of sweetened condensed milk and ¼ cup (30g) of butter or margarine in a large bowl in the microwave. Cook on medium heat for approximately four minutes, or until the chocolate chips have all melted, stirring a couple of times during cooking. Add in any extra ingredients (nuts, fruit, biscuits, marshmallows, etc.) required and stir well. Pour fudge mixture into a greased 8″x8″ glass dish and refrigerate until set.

In the late 19th century, some shops on Mackinac Island, Michigan, began to produce similar products as the Vassar College fudge and sold it to summer vacationers. Fudge is still made in some of the original shops located on the famous island.
Enjoy this dish with your colleagues, friends or family...Happy Fudge Day... 

June 16 Fudge Day

June 16 Fresh Veggies Day

June 16 Fresh Veggies Day

June 16 is Fresh Veggies Day observed by people every year. Fresh Veggies Day was celebrated in early summer Take a vow to eat healthy everyday, with fresh veggies for every meal, and for snack, too. Better still, be a vegetarian for a day. Your body will like it.
Fresh vegetables are tasty, far better tasting than canned or frozen vegetables. They are also healthy and highly nutritious. This makes it easy to add fresh vegetables to the menu at every meal, and for snacking. This time of year, there are plenty of fresh vegetables at your local grocery store, or in your backyard vegetable garden.

On this day you can do many things to do like inviting friends to a healthy fresh vegetable meal. Even more fun is it to go cropping together and prepare the food in a group. In June, when Fresh Veggies Day takes place it is harvest time for beans, peas, salad, spinach, broccoli and many more. They are a perfect complement to a sporty and healthy lifestyle.

June 16 Fresh Veggies Day

Tuesday 14 June 2016

June 15 Smile Power Day

June 15 Smile Power Day

June 15th is the day when people observe Smile Power is meant to be shared with loved ones. Just share the power of the smile to everyone. When you smile at someone, you are telling them that they are valued and worth the smile that you just gave them. Smiles are moral boosters and confidence builders.
Research has proven that smiling really does increase attractiveness and likability between humans. Smiling creates a greater trust and increased interpersonal cooperation. Smiling at someone can help them to relax and relieve their stress while at the same time, it will make you feel right. Smiling (even if you do not feel like it) will lift your mood and can make you a happier person.

Feel the power. Give everyone you see a big, friendly, "I like you" smile. You never know, you're warm smile just might turn someone's day right around. Love may make the world go round. But, a smile makes the world a happy place. A smile is a powerful thing. Best of all, it's contagious. However, we do note that in order to be effective, a smile must be sincere. People can see right through phony or forced smiles.

June 15 Smile Power Day

June 15 Nature Photography Day

 June 15 Nature Photography Day

June 15 is Nature Photography Day. The North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) created the day in 2006 as a way to encourage people to learn and enjoy capturing the beauty of nature through their cameras, and millions of photographers and photography lovers across the nation observe Nature Photography Day.
Nature photography is a branch of photography that is devoted to taking pictures of natural elements including landscapes, geological formations, and flora and fauna in their natural habitats and in zoos. As a rule, nature photography does not include photographic human subjects, though some exceptions can be made depending on the situation.

You can take a hike with your family and friends and take in the nature around you, while capturing the scenes with your camera.
Share your favorite outdoorsy picture on social media. 

 June 15 Nature Photography Day

Monday 13 June 2016

June 14 World Blood Donor Day

June 14 World Blood Donor Day

June 14 it is a World Blood Donor Day observed by people every year. Safe blood supplies are a scarce commodity – especially in developing countries. World Blood Donor Day is an occasion to raise awareness of the problem and thank donors worldwide.
Safe blood is constantly on high demand, especially in developing countries.
World Blood Donor Day falls on the birthday of Karl Landsteiner (June 14, 1868). He created the ABO blood group system, which is still used today to ensure the safety of blood transfusions.

World Blood Donor Day initiative has been aided by the WHO, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and International Society of Blood Transfusion. This global network of partners adds on new collaborative agencies and previous global event hosts.
The best way to celebrate World Blood Donor Day is to go out and give blood! There’s a powerful need for blood of all types and there’s rarely enough of it to go around. Just a single contribution now and then will help save lives.

June 14 World Blood Donor Day

June 14 Bourbon Day

June 14 Bourbon Day

Bourbon Day is observed annually on June 14th.set aside some time in the day to enjoy a glass of the uniquely American distilled liquor.Bourbon is a type of whiskey that is made from corn and rye or wheat, and aged in charred oak barrels.
There is something about bourbon that’s captured our global attention. In North America sales have soared and in the U.S., where bourbon originates, one of the nation’s most popular whiskey makers reversed a decision to water down its recipe in an effort to meet worldwide demand.

You may have heard the saying that all bourbons are whiskey, but not all are bourbon. For a whiskey to classify as bourbon it must be made in the U.S. While any state will do, most are made in Kentucky. In addition, its mash which is that mix of grains from which bourbon is distilled must comprise at least 51 per cent and no more than 79 per cent Indian corn. Most recipes use about 70 per cent corn, which gives it its nickname corn whiskey.
Happy Bourbon Day...... 

June 14 Bourbon Day

Sunday 12 June 2016

June 13 Kitchen Klutzes of America Day

June 13 Kitchen Klutzes of America Day

June 13 is Kitchen Klutzes of America Day for honors those who would like to cook and be in the kitchen if you really want to cook something delicious. Klutz means most commonly referred to as a clumsy person.
It may be necessary to keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy when Kitchen Klutzes are around. Be ready to call 911 and your favorite take out if you’re still hungry.
While everyday celebrates some kind of food, Kitchen Klutzes of America Day is only for you and it honors your everyday struggles to make breakfast or delicious dinner for your family.

June 13 Kitchen Klutzes of America Day

June 13 Sewing Machine Day

June 13 Sewing Machine Day

Observed annually on June 13 is Sewing Machine Day. English inventor, Thomas Saint, received the first patent for a design of a sewing machine in 1790. This day honors the invention of the sewing machine. It is hard to imagine having to sew things together by hand, stitch by stitch.
In 1874, William Newton Wilson found Saint’s drawings in the London Patent Office, made adjustments and built a working model. This model is currently owned by the London Science Museum.

Walter Hunt invented the first American lockstitch sewing machine in 1832. John Greenough patented the first sewing machine in the United States in 1842. Happy Sewing Machine Day.

June 13 Sewing Machine Day

Saturday 11 June 2016

June 12 Loving Day

June 12 Loving Day

Loving Day is observed each year on June 12. Loving Day commemorates a date in history when the Supreme Court of America ruled to disband all anti-miscegenation laws in 1967. The anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision Loving vs. Virginia.

Childhood friends, Mildred and Richard, met when she was 11, and he was 17.  Over the years they began courting and in 1958 when she turned 18, they married in Washington.
This, however, was only a short term solution. The law in Virginia not only forbade interracial marriage ceremonies, but it also forbade interracial couples from getting married elsewhere and then returning to their home state. Not long after their return to Virginia, the newly-married Loving couple were awakened by the police and taken to jail for the crime of having an interracial marriage.

After that Robert F. Kennedy referred the case on to the American Civil Liberties Union.  The Warren Court unanimously ruled in their favor, and the Loving’s returned to their Virginia home where they resided with their three children.
Happy Loving Day....

June 12 Loving Day

June 12 Peanut Butter Cookie Day

June 12 Peanut Butter Cookie Day

Peanut Butter Cookie Day on June 12. Today it's America's favorite cookie, it exist b'coz of George Washington Carver. Most people are familiar with peanut butter for use on sandwiches, while peanut butter cookies are yummy snacks Homemade peanut butter cookies would just not be right without the traditional forked crisscrosses on them.

George Washington Carver(Alabama’s American agricultural extension educator) was the most well know promoter of the peanut. Carver compiled 105 peanut recipes from various cookbooks, agricultural bulletins and other different sources.  In 1916, he put together a Research Bulletin called How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption. Included in this Research Bulletin were three recipes for peanut cookies calling for crushed or chopped peanuts as one of its ingredients.

The first peanut butter cookies recipe was printed in 1932 by the Schenectady Gazette, but the recipe is likely existed before that. The printed recipe called for the dough to be thinly rolled and cut into shapes or small pieces dropped and then made into balls with a crisscrossed fork marks on the top. Even today peanut butter cookies are made with this iconic pattern.

June 12 Peanut Butter Cookie Day

Friday 10 June 2016

June 11 Corn on the Cob Day

June 11 Corn on the Cob Day

June 11 is Corn on the Cob Day, Millions of people love sweet corn on the cob. Fresh corn on the cob is a summertime treat that people from all corners of the United States look forward to as we start the picnic season.

Corn on the cob is also known in different regions as pole corn, corn stick, and sweet pole, butter-pop or long maize. It is a sweet corn that is picked when the kernels are still tender when it’s in its milk stage.
Boiling, steaming, roasting or grilling are the most common ways of preparing corn on the cob. If it is grilled or oven roasted, the corn is usually left in its husk during the cooking process.

To celebrate Corn on the Cob Day, boil, steam ,or grill it for dinner. 

June 11 Corn on the Cob Day

June 11 German Chocolate Cake Day

June 11 German Chocolate Cake Day

German Chocolate Cake Day is observed by chocolate lovers annually on June 11. German’s Sweet Chocolate’s brand was named in honor of Sam German. The cake originated in Germany, it did not. The cake’s roots can be traced back to 1852 when American, Sam German, made a type of dark baking chocolate for the American Baker’s Chocolate Company.

Today, the most popular kind of cake is chocolate. There are many different types, including Black Forest, Devil’s Food, Flour less, Fudge, Ganache, German Chocolate, Lava, and much more.

Cakes have a rich culinary history. In Greece, cakes (or “plakous”) were heavy and flat, and people served them with nuts and honey. The Romans made cakes that were more like cheesecake or pastry, and presented them as offerings to the gods. In Medieval England, people used the words “bread” and cake” interchangeably to refer to anything made with flour dough.
Happy German Chocolate Cake Day.........

June 11 German Chocolate Cake Day

Thursday 9 June 2016

June 10 Iced Tea Day

June 10 Iced Tea Day

June 10, The Iced Tea Day observed by people all over the world. One of summer’s favourite drinks. It has Lemon, sugar, tea, don’t be afraid to add some lemon or sugar to taste, or even ginger to help a sore throat. it is sweetened or unsweetened, with or without lemon, it is loved by many and enjoyed by the glass full all summer long.

Iced tea can be found in many flavors including lemon, peach, raspberry, lime, passions fruit, strawberry and cherry. Recipes for iced tea have been found dating back to the 1870s. The Buckeye Cookbook, published in 1876 and Housekeeping in Old Virginia, published in 1877 both contain iced tea recipes. The popularity of refreshing iced tea drink grew rapidly after it was introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. 

Green tea has been suggested to be used for a variety of positive health benefits.
June 10 Iced Tea Day