Thursday 2 June 2016

June 3 Repeat Day

June 3 Repeat Day

Repeat Day is a quirky holiday celebrated every year on June 3, it is an opportunity to do things over and over again. Hopefully you will choose to repeat things you enjoy doing. As a matter of fact, it's perfectly okay to repeat them over and over again today.

Take this opportunity to repeat things you enjoy, such as watching your favorite movie twice or going in for that second piece of cake. It could even be as simple as giving your kids two hugs before they go to bed instead of just one.

Another way to celebrate is by repeating some of the simple tasks of the day. Wash the dishes twice. Make the same meal for lunch as you do for supper. Watch the same movie twice. The 1993 film Groundhog Day comes to mind. Send duplicate text messages.

Have a great day! Have a great day! Giving you an excuse to do things over and over again. 

June 3 Repeat Day

June 3 Doughnut Day – First Friday in June

June 3 Doughnut Day – First Friday in June

Each year on the first Friday in June, people participate in Doughnut or Donut Day. In 1917, the original “Salvation Army Doughnut” was first served by the ladies of the Salvation Army. This day celebrates the doughnut and honors the Salvation Army Lassies, the women that served doughnuts to soldiers during World War 1.

The doughnuts were often cooked in oil inside the metal helmets of American soldiers. American infantrymen were then commonly called “doughboys.” A more standard spelling is donut.

The Salvation Army is a charitable Christian organization that works to help the poor and the hungry. It was founded in London in 1865.

The two most common types are the steroidal ring doughnut and the filled doughnut, a flattened sphere injected with fruit preserves, cream, custard, or other sweet fillings. A small spherical piece of dough may be cooked as a doughnut hole. Doughnut varieties are also divided into cake and risen type doughnuts.

Just a few hours of your time, or a donation towards their organization will ensure they continue to be able to do their good work the world round. 

June 3 Doughnut Day – First Friday in June

Wednesday 1 June 2016

June 2 Bubba Day

June 2 Bubba Day

Bubba Day takes place on June 02. Often used as an affectionate nickname for a brother, Bubba is also used close family friends as a term of endearment. Inviting or calling any boy or man with that name is a good way to celebrate National Bubba Day. 

A famous Bubba was William Jefferson Bubba Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States. In the South of the US plenty of men are called Bubba by their families and friends. In "Forrest Gump", the famous movie with Tom Hanks, his best and only friend is called Bubba.

It marks the position and importance in a family. A Bubba can also be a male friend, who is a close to someone as a real brother would be.To all of those named, nicknamed or just sometimes called Bubba, Happy National Bubba Day. 

June 2 Bubba Day

June 2 Rocky Road Day

June 2 Rocky Road Day

June 2 is Rocky Road Day observed every year. Rocky Road ice cream was composed of chocolate ice cream, nuts, and marshmallows. Today, there are variations with vanilla ice cream, cholate chips and almonds.

Sometime during the late 1920s William Dreyer used inspiration from his partner Joseph Edy’s chocolate candy to make rocky road ice cream. Dryer did something he was probably told a hundred times not to do. He used his wife’s sewing scissors to chop up marshmallows and walnuts and added them to chocolate ice cream.

Another who laid claim to the creation of rocky road ice cream was George Farren. He had simply blended a candy bar into chocolate ice cream creating the creamy dessert.

Australia, people add jam to their rocky road ice cream. And in the United Kingdom, they add cherries and raisins. It instantly became an American favorite and soon became popular all over the world. 

June 2 Rocky Road Day

Rocky Road Recipe

Tuesday 31 May 2016

June 1 Say Something Nice Day

June 1 Say Something Nice Day

June 1 is Say Something Nice Day observed every year. Say Something Nice Day began in Charleston, South Carolina, when the Mayors of North Charleston and Charleston came together with members of the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery and the South Carolina.

The purpose of this holiday is to counteract bullying and the lack of civility and common courtesy that is growing among people in today’s world. Hopefully the practice of “saying something nice today” will continue onto all tomorrows.

The message of the day is that positivity goes a long way in spreading happiness and joy. When we are kind in our interactions with others, we receive positivity and kindness back. This enriches our lives, makes us happy and keeps us healthy - studies have shown that happy people are healthier and live longer. 

June 1 Say Something Nice Day

June 1 Go Barefoot Day

June 1 Go Barefoot Day

Go Barefoot Day is observed on June 1. The real purpose behind this quirky holiday is to encourage people to donate new and used shoes to the victims of natural disasters.

Go Barefoot Day was launched by a non-profit organization calledSoles4Souls. Take a moment to do a little spring cleaning and give away the shoes you no longer need. You can even organize a shoe drive in your community.

The holiday got its start after the Tsunami disaster in 2004 to support those affected by the event. However, donations have continued to come in and over 19 millions of pairs of shoes have been donated worldwide since 2005.

Now is a good time to donate a pair or two of gently used shoes to a charitable organization in your area. 

June 1 Go Barefoot Day

June 1 Hazelnut Cake Day

June 1 Hazelnut Cake Day

June 1st is The Hazelnut Cake Day. Hazelnuts give any cake perfect nutty flavor, these nuts are underestimated. Worldwide there are over 100 varieties of hazelnuts grown and 70% of those come from Turkey. However, in the U.S. 99% of our hazelnuts are grown in Oregon instead of being imported.

There are several kinds of hazelnut cakes you can make. Use hazelnuts in any form that you like. Add whole or chopped nuts to the batter or use grounded hazelnuts to substitute some part of flour. No matter what kind you prefer, the distinctive and rich nutty flavor is a winner.

Cadbury-Schweppes company in Australia imports over 2,000 tons of hazelnuts annually. The nuts are used for chocolate, but some amount undergoes pressure to produce strongly flavored hazelnut oil. 

June 1 Hazelnut Cake Day

Hazelnut Cake Recipe 
Spend some time in the kitchen baking up a delicious hazelnut cake as you take part in National Hazelnut Cake Day.

Monday 30 May 2016

May 31 Save Your Hearing Day

May 31 Save Your Hearing Day

Each May 31st, Save Your Hearing Day is observed. Our hearing is vital, and there are ways that hearing loss can be avoidable.

There are various reasons from which hearing loss can be the result, some of which include:
Age, Noise, Genetic, Illness, Neurological Disorders, Medications, Chemicals, Physical Trauma, Neurobiological Factors

For more information,


Save Your Hearing Day is best celebrated in peaceful environments, with earmuffs, if need be. There’s a 60:60 rule that everybody should abide by on this day, which says you should listen to your MP3 at 60% of volume capacity for less than 60 minutes a day. It is estimated half of the cases of hearing impairment and deafness are preventable. 

May 31 Save Your Hearing Day

May 31 Macaroon Day

May 31 Macaroon Day

On May 31 Macaroon Day is observed each year. Macaroons are small unleavened cakes with a crispy outer layer and a moist, chewy center. Although they are the same size as cookies, macaroons do not contain any flour and therefore do not fall into that classification.

The coconut macaroon is most commonly found in the United States. Most varieties of coconut macaroons are dipped in milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate. Almonds, pecans, cashews or other nuts are sometimes added to the cookie.

Culinary historians believe that macaroons originated in Italy. In fact, the word “macaroon” comes from the Italian word for paste: “maccarone.” In 1533, Italian monks and nuns introduced macaroons to France. Two Benedictine nuns, Sister Marguerite and Sister Marie-Elisabeth, began baking and selling these small sweets to help pay for their housing. They became known as the “Macaroon Sisters,” and their baking became famous throughout Europe. 

May 31 Macaroon Day

Following are two macaroon recipes for you to try and enjoy.

Coconut Macaroons
French Macaroons

May 31 No Tobacco Day

May 31 No Tobacco Day

People also observed No Tobacco Day on Each May 31st. No Tobacco Day is a day to draw attention to the negative effects of tobacco and smoking, where each year the WHO awards individuals and organizations who make an exceptional contribution to the reduction of smoking and tobacco consumption.

It speeds up our heart rate, raises the blood pressure and makes us feel more energetic for a temporary amount of time. As we know the lasting effects are much more dangerous...

Medical research made it clear during the 1900s that tobacco use increased the likelihood of many illnesses including heart attacks, strokes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), emphysema and many forms of cancer.

People, non-governmental organizations and governments unite on World No Tobacco Day to draw attention to the health problems that tobacco use can cause. 

May 31 No Tobacco Day

Sunday 29 May 2016

May 30 Mint Julep Day

May 30 Mint Julep Day

Mint Julep Day is observed annually on May 30. This drink was introduced at the Kentucky Derby in the 1930s and since then it has become the event's official drink. A classic mint julep is made with a mint leaf, bourbon, sugar and water. In the Southern states, where mint julep is more associated with the cuisine, spearmint is the mint of choice. Preparation of the drink may vary from one bartender to another.

Were you desperately hoping for a refreshing bourbon cocktail but frustrated that you didn’t have a good enough excuse? Thankfully for you, Mint Julep Day is here to pander to your wildest fantasies… just as long as those fantasies involved sipping this classic cocktail.

Invite your friends over for a party with homemade mint julep. Enjoy this unique drink even when Kentucky Derby is over. The refreshing taste of mint julep is perfect for any hot summer day. 

May 30 Mint Julep Day

May 30 Water a Flower Day

May 30 Water a Flower Day

Recognized each year on May 30 is National Water a Flower Day. To keep your flowers alive, you have to water them. Water a Flower Day remembers you to water your flowers and is an opportunity to give them an extra sip of water to thank for their wonderful colors.

To celebrate Water a Flower Day you can use a watering can or watering pot. If you don't own such a thing, simply use a bottle or maybe even a cooking pot or a mug. You could also take smaller plants or flowers directly to the sink and water them with tap water. The only important thing is to take good care of your flowers that day, so don't forget to celebrate the day and tell everyone about it.

This is a fun day; a day to enjoy the happiness that flowers bring to people. It is possible that you know someone who is home-bound, hospitalized, needs some cheering up or that you want to say “thank you to” or just to “make someone’s day. If so, then It would be a great day to take them a bouquet of flowers, but remember to “water the flowers” before you deliver them. 

May 30 Water a Flower Day

Saturday 28 May 2016

May 29 Coq Au Vin Day

May 29 Coq Au Vin Day

Celebrated annually on May 29 is National Coq Au Vin Day. Coq au vin is French for “rooster with wine”. Indeed, rooster is slowly cooked in a rich sauce, made from wine, mushrooms, garlic and lardons (salted pork). In the USA the dish was slightly changed – chicken is used instead of rooster and ham replaced lardons.

Different legends tell of Coq au vin back in the days of Gaul and Julius Caesar. However, the first documented recipe was in the early 20th century. There was a somewhat similar recipe, poulet au vin blanc, that appeared in an 1864 cookbook. 

May 29 Coq Au Vin Day

Enjoy this Coq Au Vin recipe.

By the way, the older the rooster, the better the dish. Old roosters have more connective tissues that create a richer broth.