Monday 23 May 2016

May 24 Escargot Day

May 24 Escargot Day

Escargot Day is observed on May 24. Escargot is a tasty appetizer made with land snails cooked in butter or wine. While the dish most likely originated in Ancient Roman times, escargot is usually associated with French cuisine. In fact, the French consume around 40,000 metric tons of snails each year.

The dish of Escargot is usually prepared by removing the land snails from their shells, cooking them with garlic, butter and wine. They are then placed back into their shells with the sauce for serving. The dish is served with a special fork and tong for easier dining. Farms producing Helix aspersa for sale exist in Europe and in the United States.

Escargot {es.kar.go} is the French word for snail. If you've never tasted escargot, National Escargot Day is a great reason to give them a try.

May 24 Escargot Day

May 24 Scavenger Hunt Day

May 24 Scavenger Hunt Day

May 24 is Scavenger Hunt Day. Today is set aside as a day to enjoy the “good ol’ fashioned” fun of a scavenger hunt. Scavenger hunts have become popular at weekend get to gether’s, parties, family gatherings and holidays, however, today would be a great day to have a scavenger hunt at the office or put one together for the neighborhood kids and let the fun begin.

A scavenger hunt is a game where individuals or teams compete to find items or perform tasks provided to them as a list by the organizers of the game. The aim of the game is for participants to fulfil the requirements on the list. Usually, at the end the hunt a grand prize awaits the first person/ team to reach the end of the list.
American gossip columnist, author, songwriter and professional hostess Elsa Maxwell (May 24, 1883 – November 1, 1963) is credited with the introduction of the scavenger hunt for use as a party game in the modern era. 

May 24 Scavenger Hunt Day

Sunday 22 May 2016

May 23 Lucky Penny Day

May 23 Lucky Penny Day

Lucky Penny Day is observed each year on May 23rd. The penny was officially introduced into England in 757 A.D. For centuries, finding a penny has been considered a good omen, an event that suggested something good would happen in the life of the finder.

1793 – The first pennies in the United States were made of copper. Pennies are often just a nuisance. They don’t seem to be worth much, especially considering their weight, which is decidedly disproportionate to their actual value.

Lucky Penny Day is the perfect time to show them the value of money, and just how far a dollar or two can go for someone truly in need. All day long you'll have good luck." If you are superstitious be careful to only pick up pennies lying face up. Well whether you believe it or not. 

May 23 Lucky Penny Day

May 23 Taffy Day

May 23 Taffy Day

Today, May 23rd, we can all take a moment to appreciate Taffy. Salt Water Taffy, Laffy Taffy, Original Taffy. All kinds. Salt water taffy in was invented 1883 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Taffies are available in many flavors and colors. The most popular are fruit flavors, like banana and lemon, but actually anything can go. Even salt water! But the very first taffies were flavorless. Later molasses and vanilla were added to make candies better. That was the beginning of experiments with different flavors. Color experiments began much later and they were designated to match the flavor of the candies.

There are many rumors on that how they were created. The most popular legend says, that a candy store was flooded during the storm, and the candies soaked in saltwater. When a little girl came to buy a taffy, the owner said, that she could offer her only salt water taffy. Little girl was delighted with it and bought one. She brought the candy to show her friends. Mother of shop owner heard the conversation and loved the name of the candy. That is how salt water taffy was born.

Choose your favorite taffies to celebrate the holiday and share them with your family and friends. 

May 23 Taffy Day

Saturday 21 May 2016

May 22 Buy a Musical Instrument Day

May 22 Buy a Musical Instrument Day

Each year on May 22 we observe National Buy a Musical Instrument Day. It is unknown when the first musical instrument was invented, but historians believe that flutes made of animal bones date back 37,000 years. Today there are 6 main instrument categories – percussion, woodwinds, brass, strings, keyboard, and electronic.

Playing a musical instrument is a fun and engaging activity for people of all ages. Celebrate today as you learn to play a new instrument.

The most played instrument is the piano, followed by the guitar and the drums. 21 million Americans play the piano – that's more than all other instruments combined. Other popular instruments include the flute, ukulele, saxophone, clarinet, trombone, and violin. Not only is playing a musical instrument fun, it can also increase abilities in other areas. Children who play a musical instrument are shown to read at advanced levels, have larger vocabularies, and work better in teams. 

May 22 Buy a Musical Instrument Day

May 22 Maritime Day

May 22 Maritime Day

National Maritime Day is observed annually in the United States on May 22. Created to recognize the maritime industry National Maritime Day also honors America’s Merchant Marines for their contributions and sacrifices for our country.

The United Nations (UN), via the International Maritime Organization (IMO), created World Maritime Day to celebrate the international maritime industry’s contribution towards the world’s economy, especially in shipping. The event’s date varies by year and country but it is always on the last week of September.

World Maritime Day was first held on March 17, 1978 to mark the date of the IMO Convention’s entry into force in 1958. At that time, the organization had 21 member states. It now has about 167 member states and three associate members. This membership includes virtually all the nations of the world with an interest in maritime affairs, including those involved in the shipping industry and coastal states with an interest in protecting their maritime environment. 

May 22 Maritime Day

Friday 20 May 2016

May 21 Armed Forces Day – Third Saturday in May

May 21 Armed Forces Day – Third Saturday in May

August 31, 1949 then Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of Armed Forces Day. President Harry Truman also announced the holiday in a presidential proclamation on February 20, 1950. All branches of the military were asked to celebrate on this day and they complied on the first Armed Forces Day which was held the following year on May 20, 1950.

Parades, open houses, receptions and air shows were held to celebrate the first Armed Forces Day held on May 20, 1950. Armed Forces Day annually on the third Saturday of May. It is a day to pay tribute to men and women who serve the United States’ armed forces.

Certain types of music are also played at Armed Forces Day events, including at memorials and at cemeteries, as a way to respect those in the armed forces who died for their country. For example, buglers have played a bugle call, known simply as Taps, on Armed Forces Day in recent years. Taps is usually sounded by the United States military at events such as flag ceremonies, memorial services and funerals. 

May 21 Armed Forces Day – Third Saturday in May

May 21 Strawberries and Cream Day

May 21 Strawberries and Cream Day

Strawberries and Cream Day is observed annually on May 21. strawberries is the only fruit with the seeds on the outside. Strawberries are believed to originate in Northern Europe, but wild strawberries can be found in many countries, including the USA. Food historians could trace strawberries to the Roman Empire, but they think, that Greeks knew about this berries even before Romans.

One strawberry contains about 200 seeds and each of them has a genetic potential to become a new variety of strawberry. There are no two seeds alike, that is why breeders could develop so many varieties of strawberries.

There are hundreds of different strawberries varieties. Each variety requires special growing conditions and soil to grow. Some varieties grow early in the season, some later, but all berries should be harvested at the peak of ripeness.

To celebrate National Strawberries and Cream Day, head to a local farm and pick your own fresh strawberries as a fun spring activity for the whole family. Then enjoy the fruits of your labor with a delicious snack of strawberries and cream at home

May 21 Strawberries and Cream Day

Thursday 19 May 2016

May 20 Be a Millionaire Day

May 20 Be a Millionaire Day

Be a Millionaire Day is observed every year on May 20. Having one million dollars in your bank account is still a major financial success, isn’t it? The term “millionaire” first appeared in the English language in a letter written by Lord Byron in 1816. There were only a few millionaires at the time, but thanks to the Industrial Revolution, more millionaires were created outside of the aristocracy. 

Today there are more than 12 million millionaires scattered around the globe.

The first multi-millionaire in the United States was John Jacob Astor (1763 – 1848). Astor made his fortune in trade and later established the first trust in American history. His great-grandson, John Jacob Astor IV, was the wealthiest person aboard the Titanic.

Read book like think and grow rich... pray, trust and it happen.

There are many different ways to celebrate be a Millionaire Day. Invest money in a savings account or stock portfolio, or purchase a lottery ticket to try your luck. 

May 20 Be a Millionaire Day

May 20 Pizza Party Day – Third Friday in May

May 20 Pizza Party Day – Third Friday in May

May 20 is Pizza Party day observed by people each year. It was estimated that the annual production of pizza cheese in the United States in 1997 was 2 billion pounds. The first United States pizza establishment opened in 1905 was in New York’s Little Italy.

Thought to have originated in Italy, pizza today has become a popular dish served in restaurants and homes around the world. It is often considered by many as the perfect party dish – a single pie can feed a lot of people, it can be easily made at home or ordered from a restaurant, eating it does not require utensils or fancy dishware, and most importantly it is delicious even when consumed cold.

On this day millions of pizza lovers across the nation join in extolling the qualities of pizza on National Pizza Party Day. Celebrate by inviting friends and family to share a night of fun at your favorite pizzeria. Another way to celebrate is with a homemade pizza with fresh toppings or by having one delivered.

The original pizza used only mozzarella cheese, mainly the highest quality buffalo mozzarella variant which was produced in the surroundings of Naples. 

May 20 Pizza Party Day – Third Friday in May

Wednesday 18 May 2016

May 19 Devil’s Food Cake Day

May 19 Devil’s Food Cake Day

May 19 is Devil's Food Cake Day. This chocolate cake is America's favorite for its airy and moist texture. One of the earliest recipes appeared in the August 10, 1898, edition of the Hagerstown Exponent of Hagerstown, Indiana. Devil’s Food cake is a divine chocolate cake. It differs from a regular chocolate cake by its darker color and tends to be more moist and airy.

Today is a celebration of this delicious dessert, which is considered the counterpart to the classic white angel food cake. Devil's food cake has a unique light and moist texture, which sets it apart from other chocolate cakes. The recipe calls for quite a bit of baking soda, and boiling water instead of milk. Both of these ingredients contribute to the fluffiness of this confection.

You can bake devil's food cake to celebrate holiday. Cover it with rich chocolate frosting and enjoy the cake with your family and friends. 

May 19 Devil’s Food Cake Day

Recipes for Devil’s Food cakes…

May 19 May Ray Day

May 19 May Ray Day

May Ray Day is Observed each year on May 19. On this day go outside, enjoying the sunshine and soaking up some rays.

According to meteorologists, the month of May is the last month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It is when the temperatures start raising and the anticipation of summer is evident all around us - in stores with summer clothing and agricultural produce, in nature with summer flowers and plants getting ready to bloom, and in our schools where students are getting ready for the upcoming summer vacations. This makes it the best time of the year to get some sunshine and enjoy the Sun before it gets too hot.

There are many ways to enjoy the outdoors and the warmer days as summer approaches. Whether your place under the sun is at the park, a rooftop or your own back yard find a way to enjoy the nicer weather. 

May 19 May Ray Day

Tuesday 17 May 2016

May 18 Cheese Souffle Day

May 18 Cheese Souffle Day

Cheese Souffle Day, observed May 18,
It's very important to know when you are going to serve your soufflé. You can wait for soufflé for a while, but it won't wait for you, unless you are going to serve a deflated soufflé. The secret to successful serving cheese soufflé during the meal is to decide, what are you going to serve first – salad or soup for example. Soufflé should go into the oven when you sit down for your first course.
Cheese soufflé is easy to make. Preheat oven to 350°F and cover ramekins with butter and flour.

Combine 2 1/4 cups shredded cheese, 3 tbs flour, and 3/4 cup milk. Set the mixture over simmering water in a double-boiler. Heat until cheese melts. Stir in 3 yolks one spoon of warm cheese mixture and then transfer it into cheese mixture. Stir to blend. Beat 6 egg whites to stiff peaks. Fold 1/4 of whites into cheese mixture, then add cheese mixture to whites and fold together. Divide soufflé among ramekins and bake it for about 15 minutes. Serve it hot.

May 18 Cheese Souffle Day