Today is May 16 Sea-Monkey Day. Harold von Braunhut invented the “Sea Monkeys” and hatching kits in 1957. Most of us have memories of waiting for our mail order shipment of these magical creatures. The delivery usually contained the small “aquarium-like” hatching kit for them to live and grow in. Sea-monkeys, which are also called “brine shrimp”.
Sea-monkeys have three eyes and breathe through their feet. Sea Monkeys are a type of “Artemia” (brine shrimp). They got their name because of their monkey-tail look.
One of the most fascinating characteristics of the sea-monkey is its ability to live for years as an egg before hatching. Purchased sea-monkeys only begin to hatch and grow once you’ve added the proper nutrients to the water environment.
Sea Monkeys went into space with astronaut John Glenn on October 29, 1998, aboard Space Shuttle Discovery. They returned to Earth after spending nine days in space and the eggs hatched eight weeks later, apparently unaffected by their travels.