Friday 18 March 2016

March 19 Poultry Day

March 19 Poultry Day

March 19 Poultry Day

March 19 is Poultry day, people also call it fowl day. Chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume are celebrated on this day.

Poultry refers to domestic birds that are raised for meat and eggs. This includes chicken, turkey, ducks, geese, quail and pheasant. Poultry are farmed in great numbers with chickens being the most numerous.

Enjoy your favorite poultry dish, either at home or at your favorite restaurant.

March 19 Poultry Day

March 19 Quilting Day

March 19 Quilting Day

March 19 Quilting Day

Quilting Day is celebrating annually on the third Saturday in March 19. Quilting Association started Quilting Day in 1991. Their members passed a resolution in Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 1991. This is a day to be pleased about and to recognize quilt-makers, along with all of their long labor, love and skill that goes into the making of each quilt.

it is pieced together with several pieces of cloth. “Quilting” refers to the technique of joining at least two fabric layers by stitches or ties. By the mid 18th century Americans were making elaborate quilts designed to be handed down from mother to daughter, often pieced together from salvaged pieces of clothing and other bedding.

March 19 Quilting Day

March 19 Corndog Day

March 19 Corndog Day

March 19 Corndog Day

Corndog Day is celebrating annually on the third Saturday in March 19. In March every year a popular food of sports fans, concert and fair goers alike is enjoyed with ketchup, mustard or even plain. It’s National Corndog Day.

The convenience of the corn dog and other fried foods on a stick continues today. From sports arenas to amusement parks, state fairs and concerts, Americans can get their corn dogs and dipping sauces to go and not miss out on a moment of the game.

Corn Dogs are a favorite in America, and commonly associated with the sport of Basketball. A corn dog is a hot dog sausage coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep fried in oil, although some are baked. Almost all corn dogs are served on a wooden stick, though some early versions had no stick.

March 19 Corndog Day

Thursday 17 March 2016

March 18 Sloppy Joe Day

March 18 Sloppy Joe Day

 March 18 Sloppy Joe Day

March 18 is Sloppy Joe Day is observed each year on March 18th.

One of America’s all-time favorite hot sandwiches, it is often made with ground beef, onions, tomato sauce, brown sugar, cola or maple syrup to sweeten it and seasonings to spice it, all served up on a hamburger bun or roll.

Most believe the sloppy joe was first served in Havannah Cuba at the bar and café “Sloppy Joe’s” in the early 1900’s.

The sloppy joe goes by many names, including manwich, slush burger, yum yums,barbecue, dynamite, and even sloppy jane. Today many families have their own secret recipes that make their Sloppy Joe special. Whether it’s an unusual spice, a unique sweetener or a homemade tomato sauce, Sloppy Joes lends itself to originality and personality.

 March 18 Sloppy Joe Day

March 18 Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day

March 18 Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day


Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day is observed annually on March 18th. This day is also referred to as Oatmeal Cookie Day (which is actually observed on April 30th). The difference between the two is that lacy oatmeal cookies are wafer-thin and typically accompany a scoop of ice cream or sorbet.

Originating in England, oatmeal cookies have been around since the 1800s, after 1900s that oatmeal became a major ingredient in the American diet.

Oatmeal cookies are considered as the healthiest ones. Oatmeal cookies are an excellent source of iron and fiber. You can make them even better if you add some dried fruits or chopped nuts to substitute sugar. Try any new recipe of lacy oatmeal cookies find on internet to celebrate this day. 


March 18 Biodiesel Day

March 18 Biodiesel Day

 March 18 Biodiesel Day

March 18 is the birthday of Rudolph Diesel. March 18 Biodiesel Day is observed annually on March 18th. Biodiesel Day is day to switching to biodiesel fuel and power.

In a 1912 speech Diesel said, “…the use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today, but such oils may become, in the course of time, as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time.”

Biodiesel is a cleaner burning, petroleum free alternative to diesel that can be made from animal fat, vegetable oil and recycled cooking oil. It is reducing U.S. dependence on imported diesel and creating green jobs as well as improving our environment. Biodiesel is America’s first advanced Biofuel and has become an increasingly popular fuel. 

 March 18 Biodiesel Day

March 18 Supreme Sacrifice Day

March 18 Supreme Sacrifice Day

 March 18 Supreme Sacrifice Day

March 18th is Supreme Sacrifice Day. This day honors those who made huge sacrifices for the sake and the good of others as well as those who sacrifice their lives every day for us.

We may most readily call to mind the men and women in uniform who have laid down their lives protecting their country and communities in uniform. This day also honors those who may have stepped forward during times of crisis to rescue a stranger or a neighbor, and gave the supreme sacrifice that day.

Soldiers, Fireman and police officers have given their lives in the line of duty, while saving and/or protecting people.

Today is a day to reflect and offer thanks and appreciation to those who made the supreme sacrifice for us just go on your social site page and thank them and share it. 

 March 18 Supreme Sacrifice Day

March 18 Awkward Moments Day

March 18 Awkward Moments Day

 March 18 Awkward Moments Day

On March 18 people observed Awkward Moments Day, almost every people face Awkward Moments in their daily life. Awkwardness or embarrassment is an emotional state of intense discomfort with oneself.

Don’t feel embarrassment if face more than anyone, the list is big it could go on and on. Sometimes, things just do not seem to go right and something happens that may make you feel like you want to run and hide just be calm and carry on what you going to do.

On this day turn your Awkward Moments in too funny moment and share it so other don’t do that same thing.

 March 18 Awkward Moments Day

Wednesday 16 March 2016

March 17 St. Patrick’s Day

March 17 St. Patrick’s Day

 March 17 St. Patrick’s Day

March 17 observed is St. Patrick’s Day; St. Patrick’s Day is a global celebration of Irish culture. It particularly remembers St Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints. St Patrick is who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century.

Many people wear an item of green clothing on the day. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world, especially by Irish communities and organizations. On this occasion some people plan a pilgrimage to St Patrick’s Purgatory.

Many restaurants and pubs offer Irish food or drink, which include: Irish brown bread. Corned beef and cabbage and Beef and Guinness pie. Irish cream chocolate mousse cake, Irish coffee. Irish potato champ, also known as poundies, cally or pandy, Irish stew., Irish potato soup.


St Patrick is one of the patron saints of Ireland. He is said to have died on March 17 in or around the year 493. He grew up in Roman Britain, but was captured by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland as a slave when he was a young adult. After some years he returned to his family and entered the church, like his father and grandfather before him. He later returned to Ireland as a missionary and worked in the north and west of the country.

According to popular legend, St Patrick rid Ireland of snakes. However, it is thought that there have been no snakes in Ireland since the last ice age. The "snakes" that St Patrick banished from Ireland, may refer to the druids or pagan worshipers of snake or serpent gods. He is said to be buried under Down Cathedral in Downpatrick, Ireland. Ireland’s other patron saints are St Brigid and St Columba.


St Patrick's Day symbol is the shamrock. The shamrock is the leaf of the clover plant and a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Many people choose to wear the color green and the flag of the Republic of Ireland is often seen in St Patrick’s Day parades around the world. Irish brands of drinks are popular at St Patrick’s Day events.

Religious symbols are including snakes and serpents, as well as the Celtic cross. Some say that Saint Patrick added the Sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross. Other Irish-related symbols seen on St Patrick’s Day include the harp, which was used in Ireland for centuries, as well as a mythological creature known as the leprechaun and a pot of gold that the leprechaun keeps hidden.

 March 17 St. Patrick’s Day

March 17 Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

March 17 Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

 March 17 Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

March 17 is Corned Beef and Cabbage Day which people celebrate every year. Corned beef is a salt-cured product. Term “corn” means preservation in salty brine and it refers to the coarse grains of salt.

Traditional Irish recipe calls for pork or bacon joint that is corned.

In the United States, corned beef is often purchased ready to eat in delicatessens.

On this day make this recipe and try with your friends and family. 1. Slow-Cooker Corned Beef and Cabbage. 2.Corned Beef and Cabbage with Beer Recipes. 3. St.Patty’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Soup.

Today everyone can enjoy corned beef in Ireland, but it is served generally as a step towards tourists. Most Irish in Ireland do not identify this ingredient as native cuisine.

 March 17 Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

Tuesday 15 March 2016

March 16 Freedom of Information Day

March 16 Freedom of Information Day

 March 16 Freedom of Information Day

On March 16th 1751, in a nation that was heading towards a rebellion that would change the world forever.

Freedom of Information Day is dedicated to that very concept, with the Freedom of Information Act being enacted on July 4th, 1966. This put into law the very concepts that James Madison had held so dear, and ensured that the citizens of the United States were able to obtain that information to which they were entitled. He would later come to be known as “Father of the Constitution” for drafting the United States Constitution and the United States Bill of Rights, and was the loudest voice of the time for ensuring that the government of the newly formed nation held no secrets from the people it served.

James Madison was the 4th President of the United States of America (1809-1817).its James Madison hard work and commitment to pass this law.

Freedom of Information Day is celebrated by colleges of Law and other organizations, holding panels that provide information on the rights and freedoms afforded by the Freedom of Information Act.

Born James Madison, Jr on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia. Madison died on June 28, 1836 on his Montpelier Estate.

 March 16 Freedom of Information Day

March 16 Everything You Do is Right Day

March 16 Everything You Do is Right Day

 March 16 Everything You Do is Right Day

Everything You Do is Right Day is observed on March 16, 2016.

Today is just the opposite of yesterday, Everything You Think is Wrong Day, but March 16th is just the opposite as it is Everything You Do is Right Day. You get to feel good about everything that you do. Hope that, this day comes along where everything you do goes well.....the perfect day...

 March 16 Everything You Do is Right Day

March 16 Artichoke Hearts Day

March 16 Artichoke Hearts Day

 March 16 Artichoke Hearts Day

March 16 is Artichoke Hearts Day. Artichokes is part of the sunflower family, the flower in blossom, it turns a beautiful violet-blue color. we get this plant in the Mediterranean region. Although we usually refer to it as a vegetable. Artichokes are one of the oldest foods known to man. People enjoy artichokes boiled, baked, steamed, grilled, deep fried, and stuffed with all sorts of yummy fillings.

It is a Greek mythology, Zeus turned his mistress Cynara into the first artichoke plant when he caught her sneaking away from Olympia. Spanish settlers cultivated them in California during the 1600s. Artichokes didn't gain popularity in America until early 1900s.

To celebrate National Artichoke Hearts Day, try out a new artichoke recipe

 March 16 Artichoke Hearts Day