Wednesday 17 February 2016

February 18 Drink Wine Day

February 18 Drink Wine Day

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Drink Wine Day is celebrated every year on February 18.

In limit drinking wine is good for health so to spread this massage to all people by celebrating this Wine Day. Wine has its own history but we didn’t talk about that you can find it on Google. Wine reduced risk of heart sickness.

“A glass of wine a day keeps the cardiologist away”

Type of wine like Gewürztraminer, Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and other.

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Tuesday 16 February 2016

February 17 Cabbage Day

February 17 Cabbage Day

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Cabbage Day is observed on February 17th. Cabbage the vegetable which you can eat directly without cooking. Just slice it use some black pepper on it and eat. Try some Recipes which made by using cabbage is good recipes.

Cabbage word come for French word “caboche”. Broccoli, bok choy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale are various kind of cabbage.

On this day give your friends party, celebrate. Eat cabbages made foods.

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February 17 Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 17 Random Acts of Kindness Day

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It’s better time to helping poor, disables, old person, on February 17 Random Acts of Kindness Day. Form past few year individuals, groups and organizations nationwide celebrate this day to inspire to do this kind of kindness.

Search google and you can find many way to how to be kind to other, find activities for kindness day.

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Monday 15 February 2016

February 16 Almond Day

February 16 Almond Day

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Good food for human is dried food; one of the best dry foods is almonds. 16 February is Almond Day. So eat almond a day keep doctor away. One of the best dired food, almost everyone like it.

Almond tree belongs to Middle East and South Asia but now day Almond is largely Produce in California. California crops 80% of the world’s source of almonds. There are many types of almonds and other products of almonds.

  • Almonds Types
      Bitter almonds
      Chinese almonds
      Green almonds
  • Extra almond products
      Almond butter
      Almond extract
      Almond flour
      Almond oil
      Almond paste

  • AD 0002

    February 16 Do A Grouch a Favor Day

    February 16 Do A Grouch a Favor Day

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    February 16 is Do a Grouch a Favor day. What happen if someone laugh on you without knowing your condition? There is many kind of problem every human has, and one is Grouching. When a person feel stress and didn’t find way to express that stress, the next way is that this person grouching, (means talk with him or herself.) sometime it’s give relief, but too much harm that person.

    So Friends be polite and give chance to speak other without judge them. Its help them to feel relax, than say to that person avoid this kind of activity. Do not feel bore about Grouch a favor day. do something to make their day much better of please do not laugh or make joke on them.

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    Sunday 14 February 2016

    February 15 Presidents Day

    February 15 Presidents Day

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    George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. Washington's Birthday known as Presidents Day. In honors of presidents of the United States, with George Washington's Birthday, the first president of USA. This day is celebrate by US.

    It is observed every third Monday of February each year the US federal announce holiday.
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    February 15 Singles Awareness Day

    February 15 Singles Awareness Day

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    February 15th proclaims as a Singles Awareness Day, God sand us here single, why? B’coz In this world there is nothing wrong with being single. The day after Valentine’s Day has been designated Singles Awareness Day.

    Everything is dark and bright side, so here acclaim bright side of being Singles. There are few benefits being single. Single can live as they like. No rules, No bothering. Sefl-reliant, who didn’t like this?

    if you find or know that your partner or lover in not your kind of person or you make wrong choices, sometime it happen. That time its pressure on you that be more carrying and love giving. And on valentines day view other couples, its simple and cruel reminder that you are alone.

    Just be what you are and enjoy your aloneness, do all that thing which other are doing in their life. All that things. Win your mind you win everything. “ Man ke hare har he Manke jite jit.” In english “loss and win is belongs to your mind.”

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    February 15 Gumdrop Day

    February 15 Gumdrop Day

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    February 15 Gumdrop Day, each and every one like gum, by the way people eat gumdrop when they want but today every one eat gumdrop for celebrate this day. Gumdrops has two category fruity and spice. Gumdrops made by gelatin, coated with sugar, are a delicious, with vibrant color, rubbery candy.

    Gumdrops remained a favorite candy for several years. Gumdrops come in fruity flavors like grape, cherry, orange, and lemon or spiced flavors like cinnamon, clove, mint, and anise.

    Celebrate Gumdrop Day, use colorful gumdrops to decorate a cake or buy them to share with your friends!

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    Saturday 13 February 2016

    February 14 Valentines Day

    February 14 Valentines Day

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    Valentines Day is celebrated on February 14, each and every country celebrate Valentine's day for the love, by the love, b’coz of love this is what I understand about Valentines Day. So Happy Valentine’s Day to lovers those who are new or old best of luck. Hope this day you get you love, or know your love.

    This day is well known for Saint Valentine who fight for love and in privileged and memory of saint valentine people celebrate this Valentines Day.

    Lover wait for this day and made good plan to celebrate and make this day memorable to her/his lover. On this day people give gift to her/his, like rose, teddy, chocolate, other things hope this day will your best day.


    February 14 Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

    February 14 Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

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    Chocolates one of thing that everyone love, if some get chocolates filled by cream, now what to say, that person jump in joy. People and specially kids love Cream-Filled Chocolates for those this day celebrates.

    No matter which flavor Strawberry, butterscotch, peppermint, people desire this Cream-Filled Chocolates with coffee or tea. There is a variety of choices milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate filled with marshmallow cream, crème de menthe or coconut cream people love those lots. each and every country celebrate Chocolate day.

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    February 14 Organ Donor Day

    February 14 Organ Donor Day

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    Save life by giving your organ, donate your organ. Nowadays science is so much progressive in this case medical science progress too. Now we can save the life or make batter life of someone.

    So get awareness in society by individual work, in case of brain death or naturel death.

    Vital Organs like heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and pancreas can be donated only in case of ‘brain death’. However other tissues like corneas, heart valves, skin, bones etc, can be donated only in case of natural death.

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    Friday 12 February 2016

    February 13 Tortellini Day

    February 13 Tortellini Day

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    Tortellini is one kind of pastas (Stuffed pastas) which is signature dish at bologna region of Italy. Ham, white meat and parmesan cheese is mane part of this dish. Dozens of filled pasta that come in different shapes and sizes — ravioli, mezzelune, agnolotti, cappelletti and tortellini belongs form Italy.

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    Just enjoy tortellini with cream on top, topped with pesto and tomato sauce.

    Thursday 11 February 2016

    February 12 Plum Pudding Day

    February 12 Plum Pudding Day

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    Pudding is the most delicious dessert. On February 12 is Plum Pudding Day every year. On this day people enjoy eating Plum Pudding.

    Mostly on holiday people like to eat Plum Pudding and it’s also known as Christmas pudding. Antony Trollope first recorded name Christmas pudding at 1858.

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    February 13 Tortellini Day