Thursday 4 February 2016

February 6 Lame Duck Day

February 6 Lame Duck Day

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On February 6 we observe National Lame Duck Day, an “unofficial” holiday, that is not about a duck with an injury. It is a day that recognizes and celebrates elected officials who are about to leave their term in office. Their term has ended either by choice or because they were not re-elected.

Lame Duck Day has nothing to do with injured animals; rather, it’s about giving some support and recognition to people who are on their way out – last term’s political leaders, people who’ve been promoted or are moving away, and anybody who’s ineffective in their current position because their time is up.

Lame duck is a term usually reserved for politics in many democratic countries. It refers to a person or a group of people who are nearing the end of their elected term and will not be running for political office again.

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February 6 Take Your Child to the Library Day

February 6 Take Your Child to the Library Day

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“Book is the best friends of humankind.” Take Your Child to the Library Day official date this year is February 6th, Even the day you choose to mark the campaign is flexible. The possibilities are as endless as the impact you can have on your community and families as you help to create generations of readers.

Everyone knows that the library is an essential partner in the educational, social, and emotional development of children; we just need to remind people what we have to offer.” One book, and one day, and one child at a time.

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Wednesday 3 February 2016

February 5 Western Monarch Day

February 5 Western Monarch Day

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For Western Monarch Day, the yearly migratory return of the Western Monarch butterfly to the central Californian coast. The Western Monarch has a lovely, unique pattern of amber and black on its wings, creating almost a stained glass window effect. It lives to the west of the Rocky Mountain Range and fly south to California to survive the winter.

Thousands of Western Monarch Butterflies overwinter on the California coast each year. Western Monarch Day is celebrated in California with events centering around Pismo State Beach, where many of the butterflies spend their winter months. Visitors can view the butterflies, learn more about them and help to plant vegetation to help create safe habitats.

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February 5 World Nutella Day

February 5 World Nutella Day

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Chocoholics know that there is chocolate and then there is Nutella. The creamy and delicious chocolate and hazelnut spread has been around since the 1940s. Start your Nutella Day with a classic Nutella-on-pancakes breakfast and follow with a shaken espresso with a dash of Nutella. On this day, add Nutella to your cupcakes, ice cream, mousse, or even to savory dishes. Your imagination is the limit!

Italian shops used to offer children who came in with a slice of bread a free smear of Nutella to put on it.

This sweet celebration was launched through social networks by a blogger and Nutella fan, and soon tens of thousands of like-minded Nutella devotees showed their appreciation for the chocolatey delight online.

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February 5 Doodle Day

February 5 Doodle Day

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These scrappy drawings are recognized each year on their very own day of celebration, so free your creative spirit and take a sketchpad to your next meeting!

Release your inner artist on Doodle Day, a celebration of all those idle sketches you make while on the phone, or in boring meetings. Doodle Day became a worldwide event in 2004 to raise awareness and funds for epilepsy research and support.

The truth is that a pattern or shape represents a facet of your personality in some way - so you could draw the exact same object as, say, eight other people but each one would have its own individual quality!

World most famous doodle is google doodle… Amazing... The Doodle Day team then judges the doodles and awards prizes accordingly.

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February 5 Chocolate Fondue Day

February 5 Chocolate Fondue Day

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February 5 is National Chocolate Fondue Day so it’s time to light your fire and gather your sticks. Slices of fruit, bits of pastry or chunks of meringue pair exceptionally well with chocolate fondue.

It is one of those bizarre yet funny days that has appeared unannounced on our calendar, inviting us to enjoy a chocolaty celebration: dipping our favorite fruit, cakes, cookies and marshmallows into a pot of melted chocolate.

Traditional dippers include fresh fruits such as bananas, strawberries, and tangerines; small pieces of cookie or cake; and miscellaneous goodies like marshmallows and pretzels.

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February 5 Working Naked Day

February 5 Working Naked Day

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Working Naked day falls on 1st February every year, it is the perfect day for people who work from home, not so perfect for those who don’t.

As its name suggests, Working Naked Day is the day in which you carry out the day’s work unclothed. We are surprised that there is such a thing as Working Naked Day?

This holiday isn’t officially recognized, however over the last few years, it has caught on quickly with the home-based workers. If you are still shy, then bear in mind that the day can be celebrated by wearing something but be naked and celebrate this day, pass a day working from home.

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February 5 Bubblegum Day

February 5 Bubblegum Day

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Bubble Gum Day is all about eating bubblegum to raise money for charity. Great fun for kids, and a way to help out a good cause; just remember not to swallow too much, and to dispose of it cleanly!

On Bubble Gum Day, everyone who donates 50 cents or more gets to chew gum in school, with proceeds going to any charity the school chooses. Kids have fun, while raising money for a good cause. Some creative teachers even incorporate bubble gum into their lessons for the day!

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February 5 Wear Red Day

February 5 Wear Red Day

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Heart disease is a class of diseases that involve the heart, the blood vessels or both. The causes of heart disease are diverse but atherosclerosis or hypertension are the most common. Additionally, with aging come a number of physiological and morphological changes that alter cardiovascular function and lead to subsequently increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even in healthy asymptomatic individuals.

-Heart disease and stroke kill 1 in 3 women, yet it’s 80% preventable.

-Help us raise awareness to end this killer of women.

-Make a change on Wear Red Day and all year long!

-Wear Red to show your support for saving women’s lives

-Show us how you Go Red on your social media profiles using GoRed

-Donate to help raise funds for awareness and research

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February 5 Weatherman's Day

February 5 Weatherman's Day

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Always celebrated on February 5th, National Weatherperson’s Day, which is also known as, National Weatherman’s Day, is a day to honor all individuals in the fields of meteorology, weather forecasting and broadcast meteorology. Volunteer storm spotters and observers are also honored on this day as well as any others that work in the weather field.

Weather forecasters across the U.S. are recognized for their weather reporting excellence each year on Feb. 5.

If you know or see a weather forecaster today, be sure to thank them for all their hard work throughout the year.

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Tuesday 2 February 2016

February 4 Thank A Mailman Day

February 4 Thank A Mailman Day

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Thank A Mailman Day is always observed on February 4th. The motto of the Pony Express riders, who were the most famous early American “mailmen” was “Neither rain, or snow, nor death of night, can keep us from our duty”. It is a day that is a reminder of just how important mail carriers are to our everyday lives. It’s hard work delivering the mail day in, day out, come rain or shine.

Over the past two centuries, the Postal Service has grown and changed dramatically, but its mission of promoting free and open communication has remained the same. Before the invention of the stamp in 1847, the writer could pay the postage in advance or leave it for the recipient to pay upon delivery!

Thank A Mailman Day gives you an opportunity to say a polite ‘thank you’ to your postal courier, parcel service, and good old mailman.

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February 4 Homemade Soup Day

February 4 Homemade Soup Day

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Soup is a common meal in many countries and probably dates back to the invention of the earliest cooking pots. Certain soups are traditional to particular areas, such as Borsht in Eastern Europe or the well-known Italian soup, Minestrone. Today it’s easy to open a can and heat some premade soup, but soup is even better when it’s made at home.

The internet is full of recipes for soup so find one you like….

Scientists believe that a bowl of the soup may reduce inflammation of the lungs. It is thought that chicken soup slows down the activity of white blood cells that can cause the inflammation.

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February 3 Carrot Cake Day

February 3 Carrot Cake Day

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Carrot Cake Day is observe annually on February 3rd. It gives us a chance to have our cake and veggies, too!

Carrot Cake has been made since the middle Ages, when sugar and other sweeteners were rare and very expensive, and so people used sweet vegetables to flavor their puddings. Carrot cake most likely developed from a carrot pudding which could be savory or sweet. This technique became practically obsolete for several hundred years, but resurfaced in the 20th century.

Carrot cake is much healthier than many other baked goods. A traditional recipe calls for carrots, raisins, walnuts, and brown sugar. Enjoy a slice from your local bakery in honor of Carrot Cake Day!

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