Saturday 13 February 2016

February 14 Valentines Day

February 14 Valentines Day

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Valentines Day is celebrated on February 14, each and every country celebrate Valentine's day for the love, by the love, b’coz of love this is what I understand about Valentines Day. So Happy Valentine’s Day to lovers those who are new or old best of luck. Hope this day you get you love, or know your love.

This day is well known for Saint Valentine who fight for love and in privileged and memory of saint valentine people celebrate this Valentines Day.

Lover wait for this day and made good plan to celebrate and make this day memorable to her/his lover. On this day people give gift to her/his, like rose, teddy, chocolate, other things hope this day will your best day.


February 14 Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

February 14 Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

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Chocolates one of thing that everyone love, if some get chocolates filled by cream, now what to say, that person jump in joy. People and specially kids love Cream-Filled Chocolates for those this day celebrates.

No matter which flavor Strawberry, butterscotch, peppermint, people desire this Cream-Filled Chocolates with coffee or tea. There is a variety of choices milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate filled with marshmallow cream, crème de menthe or coconut cream people love those lots. each and every country celebrate Chocolate day.

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February 14 Organ Donor Day

February 14 Organ Donor Day

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Save life by giving your organ, donate your organ. Nowadays science is so much progressive in this case medical science progress too. Now we can save the life or make batter life of someone.

So get awareness in society by individual work, in case of brain death or naturel death.

Vital Organs like heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and pancreas can be donated only in case of ‘brain death’. However other tissues like corneas, heart valves, skin, bones etc, can be donated only in case of natural death.

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Friday 12 February 2016

February 13 Tortellini Day

February 13 Tortellini Day

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Tortellini is one kind of pastas (Stuffed pastas) which is signature dish at bologna region of Italy. Ham, white meat and parmesan cheese is mane part of this dish. Dozens of filled pasta that come in different shapes and sizes — ravioli, mezzelune, agnolotti, cappelletti and tortellini belongs form Italy.

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Just enjoy tortellini with cream on top, topped with pesto and tomato sauce.

Thursday 11 February 2016

February 12 Plum Pudding Day

February 12 Plum Pudding Day

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Pudding is the most delicious dessert. On February 12 is Plum Pudding Day every year. On this day people enjoy eating Plum Pudding.

Mostly on holiday people like to eat Plum Pudding and it’s also known as Christmas pudding. Antony Trollope first recorded name Christmas pudding at 1858.

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February 13 Tortellini Day

February 12 Darwin Day

February 12 Darwin Day

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On February 12 world celebrated Darwin day in memory of Charles Darwin who give great contribution to science. February 12 Charles Darwin birthday.

He died at age of 72, he did great work for science, he and scientist has thankful to Darwin work. Darwin is milestone in human history.

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Wednesday 10 February 2016

February 11 Satisfied Staying Single Day

February 11 Satisfied Staying Single Day

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February 11 Satisfied Staying Single Day. People talk about relationship with other but this day say make rotation with yourself. This is especially for those who are alone now day, didn’t get special one. So didn’t worry just say I love myself and love yourself. Before love other first step is that love yourself if you didn’t love yourself how could you love other?

Satisfied yourself, Enjoy, take lunch, read book, go to park just be with you. It has its own joy. But first its heard b’coz form Birth you have someone around you. We forget that we live alone and joy too.

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February 12 National Plum Pudding Day

February 12 Darwin Day

February 11 Make a Friend Day

February 11 Make a Friend Day


On this February 11 Make a Friend Day, Friends gift of god, true relation. We are social animal, we heard that loneliness kill many people but we never heard that too much good friend kill people.

“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light” 

 = Helen Kelle

Friend are always young never get old, or there is no limit or rules, just one rule make good friend, no matter old or young, male or female, rich or poor, etc…Friend accept as we are, the true unconditional relationship.

Sand your best Friends Massage, Greeting, and Card...Enjoy your relationship. Make new Friends and get joy and give joy. Make a new milestone in your friendship. One is that there is no limit so make new friends…


Tuesday 9 February 2016

February 10 Umbrella Day

February 10 Umbrella Day

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We glad by getting this kind of world’s most appropriate inventions. Umbrella protect us from wind, rain and direct sun. In past I see in movie and use and Europe country.

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February 10 Plimsoll Day

February 10 Plimsoll Day

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Samuel Plimsoll was an English politician and social reformer, founder of plimsoll line or plimsoll mark in Shipping. Samuel plimsoll is also well know for 'The Sailor's Friend' by plimsoll line he save many life of sailors. By unseworthy ships bill 1876 and give us Plimsoll Mark – Mark on the any kind of ship.

By this humble work people celebrate the Plimsoll Day to devote in the memory of Samuel Plimsoll. After work of Samuel plimsoll cargo type and water type didn’t dangerously overloaded.

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Monday 8 February 2016

February 9 Stop Bullying Day

February 9 Stop Bullying Day

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Bullying, the person who bullying other person both are weak by character. Both weak by mind and brain. Now if you are there pls. stop this kind of time pass or anything alias. If you could not give,pls didn’t take any one respect.

Stop, Stop, and Stop it on ground, office, classroom, in family, in society or any other place. If you see just help those who humiliate by this kind of unhuman work. Carries awareness and help those who habited to do this kind of work.

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February 9 Read In the Bathtub Day

February 9 Read In the Bathtub Day

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Warm water, feel relax and now reading in the bathtub, take favorite bubble bath, isn’t it amazing fun gaining. No one can disturb you. Just forget everything and other also forget you means leave you for some time in bathroom.

This day is one of nice day as I know, and everybody like this kind of relaxation. A little vacation in bathroom. Nice scented smell and you and your book. Have a best time in bathtub.

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February 8 Molasses Bar Day

February 8 Molasses Bar Day

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Molasses mostly a thick sugary syrup finished from sugarcane or sugar plants that holds large volumes of calcium, iron and magnesium. Grab a spicy and sweet molasses treat to celebrate National Molasses Bar Day! People have used molasses to sweeten their food form 1500s.

Molasses bars are a chewy nibble that are liked by many people, normally containing cinnamon and other spices.

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