Thursday 31 March 2016

April 1 One Cent Day

April 1 One Cent Day

April 1st is One Cent Day.
The United States first issued a one-cent coin produced by a private mint in 1787. This coin was made of 100% copper, was larger than today’s penny and came to be known as the Fugio cent. The one cent coin was reduced in size in the 1850s to make the coin more economical and easier to handle.

Today’s one cent coin is made of copper and zinc and has borne the image of President Abraham Lincoln since 1909. Four different reverse designs in 2009 honored Lincoln’s 200th birthday depicting various scenes from his lifetime and a new, permanent reverse – the Union Shield – was introduced in 2010.

What we say is research the history of the penny. 

April 1 One Cent Day

April 1 April Fools’ Day

April 1st Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day is best pranks and practical jokes days. So prepare yourself to be a fool or make some fool on this day, April Fools’ Day.People playing April Fool jokes expose their prank by shouting April Fool. Newspapers, television, radio and social media have had their fun on April Fools’ Day. For Today prepare your best pranks and practical jokes.

April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.

Ancient cultures, including those of the Romans and Hindus, celebrated New Year's Day on or around April 1. It closely follows the vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the New Year.

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April 1st Fools’ Day

April 1 Sourdough Bread Day

April 1 Sourdough Bread Day

Sourdough Bread Day is observed on April 1. The world’s oldest leavened breads, Sourdough bread has been there for ages and it's an iconic bread in San Francisco. Most likely the first form of leavening available to bakers, it is believed sourdough originated in Ancient Egyptian times around 1500 BC.
The bread was so common at that time the word “sourdough” became a nickname for the gold prospectors. In The Yukon and Alaska, a “sourdough” is also a nickname given to someone who has spent an entire winter north of the Arctic Circle.

You can also toast bread and eat with your morning puffed rice. If you want to make homemade sourdough bread, you will have to create a starter. This will be a great way to celebrate this holiday.

April 1 Sourdough Bread Day

Wednesday 30 March 2016

March 31 Bunsen Burner Day

March 31 Bunsen Burner Day

The humble Bunsen Burner was created by a German Chemist by the name of Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen, born March 31st 1811, and Bunsen Burner Day celebrates his birthday. Bunsen Burner Day is observed every March 31st. This day honors the birthday of German chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen.

Named after Robert Bunsen, a Bunsen burner is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame which is used for heating, sterilization and combustion. Bunsen burners (along with Teclu burners and Meker burners) produce a smokeless blue flame at very high temperatures. They are used in high schools and laboratories around the world. 

March 31 Bunsen Burner Day

March 31 Clams on the Half Shell Day

March 31 Clams on the Half Shell Day

Clam on the Half Shell Day is celebrating on March 31, Clams on the Half Shell Day is a great day for all seafood lovers. Clams can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked or fried. This dish was developed for a wealthy woman who wanted something special for her guests.

One popular “on the half shell” recipe originated in Rhode Island. Legend has it the recipe for Clam Casino dates back to 1917 and the Little Casino in Narragansett, Rhode Island. When you buy clams in the shell, they must be alive. This is the same rule, as with oysters. Be sure that clams' shells are tightly closed. If they are slightly open, a light tap should make them quickly shut. If the clams you chose are dead, they cannot be eaten. 

March 31 Clams on the Half Shell Day

March 31 Tater Day

March 31 Tater Day

Tater Day is celebrating every year on March 31. This day is set aside to celebrate the potato that is loved by almost everyone and provides us with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.

There are several ways to make and enjoy the potato dishes:

1. Baked
5. Mashed
6. Fried
12. In Stew
13. In Soup

At the beginning of April, there is a celebration of the sweet potato (Tater Day) in parts of Kentucky. Sweet potatoes are one of the main cash crops in that area. Tater Day start in the early 1840s with the trading and selling of sweet potatoes. It is the oldest continuous trade day in the US.

Worldwide, there are more than four thousand potato varieties. In the US, there are over 100 varieties of potatoes.

March 31 Tater Day

Tuesday 29 March 2016

March 30 is Take a Walk in the Park Day

March 30 is Take a Walk in the Park Day

March 30 is Take a Walk in the Park Day. Next to nature, and fresh air, Go and Take a walk in the park it is an opportunity for exercise and rest. It is good for person mind and body. Nature is no harm idea you get, think when your near to nature its gives you calmness and you feel relax which you didn’t fill in urban culture.

We prefer that you go lonely and if you didn’t like loneliness go with your friends and family, but don’t behave as you do at workplace and home, create silent and see the magic of nature, see the beauty of nature's wonders: flowers, and trees, birds, and wildlife.

March 30 is Take a Walk in the Park Day

March 30 I am in Control Day

March 30 I am in Control Day

I am in Control Day is on March 30th observed each year.

With the President being rushed to surgery on a rainy afternoon, a bullet lodged in his lung, a statement was made. “As of now, I am in control here in the White House.” Those are the words of Secretary of State Alexander Haig on March 30, 1981 after the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.

I am in Control Day is a chance to take control of your life. Sources believe that this was the beginning of I am in Control Day. This day has evolved and taken on a different context. It is a day to get things under control in your life on a day to day basis.

March 30 I am in Control Day

March 30 Pencil Day

March 30 Pencil Day

Each year, March 30th is Pencil Day. Hymen Lipman received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil on this day in 1858, how easy it was to use for writing and drawing.

You know that a single wooden pencil can write 45,000 words or draw a line that is 35 miles long. A pencil can also write under water, upside down, or in zero gravity.

The majority of pencils made in the United States are painted yellow. Manufacturers painted the first pencils yellow because the color was associated with royalty and honor. 

March 30 Pencil Day

Monday 28 March 2016

March 29 Lemon Chiffon Cake Day

March 29 Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
Lemon Chiffon Cake Day is celebrating yearly on March 29th. Something you celebrating without cake is always insignificant. Lemon Chiffon Cake Day celebrates the love of the deliciously light lemon cake that was invented by Harry Baker in 1927.

For a nice refreshing spring dessert, chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and flavorings. There are many flavors of chiffon cake including chocolate, orange, walnut, maple, and today’s reason to celebrate, lemon, to celebrate Lemon Chiffon Cake Day.

March 29 Lemon Chiffon Cake Day

March 29 Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

March 29 Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
Mom and Pop Business Owners Day are celebrating by people annually on March 29th. Mom and pop business is a synonym for small business, for giving honors to all small business owners.

“This holiday was created to honor the business that my parents started on 3/29/39 in Everett, MA —a hat shop called Ruth’s. It later developed into a woman’s specialty clothing store and moved to Medford, MA, increasing in size to 10,000 square feet with over $2 million dollars revenue until it closed in 1997."

Small businesses are a vital part of the economy. Make your own business takes long hours, hard work and much dedication. These businesses are not always valued, as they should be, for the critical part that they play.

March 29 Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

Sunday 27 March 2016

March 28 Something on a Stick Day

March 28 Something on a Stick Day
Observed each year on March 28 is Something on a Stick Day is a food holiday.

All most everyone love relaxed finger food that you can pick up by the stick and eat. So whether it’s a toffee apple, camp-fire sausage, cheese cubes on a toothpick, ice cream bar, lollipop, popsicles, corndogs and marshmallows or other lovely treats. Once you get started, the possibilities are endless. Foods that comes on a stick are fun and easy to eat.

Fresh fruit kabobs and skewers of grilled veggies and meat are both summer favorites. There isn’t much that can’t be put on a stick when talking about food. Soup might be that one exception, though if it were flavorful frozen we might make an exception.

March 28 Weed Appreciation Day

March 28 Weed Appreciation Day
Weed Appreciation Day is celebrated on March 28th of each year. Weeds is a part of Natural environments as gardens, parks and public places are home to huge varieties of plants and flowers. Weeds are an important part of that ecosystem. You know that some weeds are actually beneficial to us and our ecosystem. It is a good day to learn more about weeds and their benefits if you didn’t let’s start now.

Humans eat young dandelion leaves and enjoy dandelion tea and dandelion wine. The Native Americans used dandelions to treat certain ailments. Weeds have been used by humans for food and as herbs for much of recorded history. There are the weeds that are edible and nutritious while other weeds have medicinal value. Nutritionally, dandelions contain a source of vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and fiber. Dandelions are a food source for insects and certain birds.

There are also other edible and medicinal weeds, some of which include: Yellow Dock/Burdock, Lamb’s Quarter, Amaranth, Purslane, and Dollarweed.
March 28 Weed Appreciation Day